The AMWG diagnostics package
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The AMWG diagnostics package
Plot Types and Datasets
Plot Types Included
- Tables of global and regional means (set 1)
- Implied meridional ocean heat and freshwater transport (set 2)
- Line plots of zonal means (set 3)
- Latitude vs pressure/height zonal mean contour plots (set 4)
- Equatorial (5N-5S) longiitude vs pressure/height zonal mean contour plots (set 4a)
- Longitude vs latitude 2D-field contour plots (set 5)
- Longitude vs latitude 2D-vector field contour plots (set 6)
- Longitude vs latitude polar 2D-field contour plots (set 7)
- Month vs latitude zonal mean contour plots (set 8)
- Longitude vs latitude DJF-JJA contour plots (set 9)
- Annual cycle line plots of global means (set 10)
- Miscellaneous plot types (set 11)
- Vertical profiles at 56 raobs stations around the globe (set 12)
- ISCCP cloud types from the ISCCP cloud simulator (set 13)
- Plots of statisitcal significance for sets 5 and 7
- Plots with paleoclimate coastlines using the orography field
- Taylor diagram plotys and error metrics (set 14)
- Annual Cycles at Select Stations (set 15)
Obs/Reanalysis Comparison Datasets
Information about the AMWG datasets can be found in the
Climate Data Guide.
- ERA-Interim reanalysis 1989-2005
- ERA40 reanalysis 1980-2001
- JRA25 reanalysis 1979-2004
- NCEP reanalysis 1979-1998 (16 variables)
- ECMWF reanalysis 1979-1993 (13 variables)
- RAOBS vertical profiles (T,Q,H)
- GPCP precip rate 1979-2009
- CMAP (Xie-Arkin) precip rate 1979-1998
- CMAP PREC/L land surface precip rate 1948-2001
- NVAP water vapor, cloud liquid water 1988-1999
- SSM/I (Wentz) precip rate, water vapor, cloud liquid water 1987-2000
- MODIS precipitable water, cloud liquid water 2000-2004
- SMMR & SSM/I sea ice concentration 1979-1999
- TRMM merged rain rate (3B-43) 1998-2009
- ERS 1/2 scatterometer surface stress 1992-2000
- ERBE fluxes, cloud forcings 1985-1989
- CERES (5 variables) 2000-2002
- CERES-EBAF (5 variables) 2000-2010
- IPCC/CRU surface air temperature 1961-1990
- HadISST sea surface temperature and sea ice concentration 1982-2001
- HadISST sea surface temperature and sea ice concentration 1870-1900
- HadISST sea surface temperature and sea ice concentration 1999-2008
- LEGATES surface temperature, precip rate 1920-1980
- WILLMOTT land surface temperature and precipitation 1950-1999
- CLOUDSAT cloud cover 2007-2010
- Large-Yeager Surface Flux Climatology 1984-2004
- Woods Hole OAFLUX 1958-2006
- ISCCP D1, D2 cloud cover (high,low,mid,total) 1983-2001
- ISCCP FD surface fluxes 1983-2000
- WARREN surface OBS cloud cover (low,total)
- AIRS IR Sounder temperatures (T850, T200) 2002-2006
- UWisc LWP (v3) 1988-2008
Three possible color schemes for the contour plots