! DATE: Wed Oct 29 13:24:08 MST 1997
! MODIFIED: Tue Jan 19 11:19:27 MST 1999
! NOTE: Program or subprogram calling this function MUST have an explicit
!       interface block as two assumed-shape arrays are utilized. If this
!       function is called from a Fortran 77 program or subprogram then
!       the number of archived pressure levels must be passed explicitly.
!   Given data on J archived pressure levels, this function computes the
!   vertical integral for a fixed time, field, and grid point. The pressure
!   at the bottom and top of the atmospheric column must be specified so as
!   to provide fixed integration limits, and the surface pressure of a real
!   or envelope orography must be specified as well. The formulation follows
!   Trenberth and Solomon (1994) who define the following pressure levels
!   and indexing:
! ============================== p_(j=2J) = p_t  Prescribed p at top of column.
! ------------------- J          p_(j=2J-1)      Archived p level. 
! ========================       p_(j=2J-2)      Intermediate half-level. 
!           .                     .                .
!           .                     .                .
!           .                     .                .
! ========================       p_(j=4)         Intermediate half-level.
! ------------------- 2          p_(j=3)         Archived p level.
! ========================       p_(j=2)         Intermediate half-level.
! ------------------- 1          p_(j=1)         Archived p level.
! ============================== p_(j=0) = p_o   Prescribed p at bottom of
!                                                column.
!   The complete complement of pressure levels are defined as follows:
!   Let J = number of archived pressure levels (to be written as nalvl in
!   actual code).
!   Archived pressure levels   p_j   for j = 1, 3, ..., 2J-1.
!   Intermediate half-levels   p_j = (p_(j+1) + p(j-1))/2, j = 2, 4, ..., 2J-2.
!   Prescribed limits of in-
!   tegration are given by    p_2J = p_t < p_(2J-1) everywhere,
!                             p_0  = p_o > p_s everywhere, where p_s
!                                          is the surface pressure.
!   Layer thicknesses         dp_j = p_(j-1) - p_(j+1), j = 1, 3, ..., 2J-1.
!   The vertical integral of a quantity M is then given by
!                       --
!             I =       >      (beta_j * M_j * dp_j) / g
!                       --
!                 j = 1, 2J-1, 2
!   where g is the gravitational acceleration and, recalling that p_s is
!   the surface pressure
!                           beta_j = 1 if p_(j-1) < p_s,
!                           beta_j = 0 if p_(j+1) > p_s,
!                           beta_j = ( p_s - p_(j+1) ) / ( p_(j-1) - p_(j+1) )
!                                    if p_(j-1) > p_s > p_(j+1).
!   Trenberth, K.E., and A. Solomon, 1994: The global heat balance: heat
!   transports in the atmosphere and ocean. Clim. Dyn., 10, 107-134. (See
!   pages 111-112.)
  FUNCTION V_INT_PRESS( integrand, msg_val, arch_p_lvl, p_o, p_s, p_t, T_2_B )


  REAL :: V_INT_PRESS           ! Mass weighted vertical integral of specified
                                ! integrand. If, for example, the units of the
                                ! integrand are J kg^(-1), the units of
                                ! V_INT_PRESS are J m^(-2); i.e.:
                                !                     / p_o
                                !                    |
                                !                  1 | 
                                !   V_INT_PRESS =  - |  integrand dp 
                                !                  g | 
                                !                    |
                                !                   / p_t

  REAL, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: integrand
                                ! Quantity to be vertically integrated in
                                ! pressure coordinates. Required to have SI
                                ! units such as J kg^(-1). For a fixed time,
                                ! field, and grid point, this will be a
                                ! one dimensional array with nalvl elements
                                ! where nalvl is the number of archived
                                ! pressure levels (more about nalvl below).

  REAL, INTENT(IN) :: msg_val   ! Missing value of integrand. 

  REAL, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN) :: arch_p_lvl
                                ! Pressure value for each archived pressure
                                ! level, Pascals.

  REAL, INTENT(IN) :: p_o       ! Fixed pressure at bottom of column.
                                ! Pascals.

  REAL, INTENT(IN) :: p_s       ! Scalar representing surface pressure for
                                ! fixed time, field, and grid point. Pascals.

  REAL, INTENT(IN) :: p_t       ! Fixed pressure at top of column. Pascals.

  LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: T_2_B  ! If integrand and arch_p_lvl are ordered top
                                ! to bottom then T_2_B must be assigned the
                                ! logical value .TRUE.

! Declaration of allocatable arrays:

  REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: integrand_B_2_T
                                ! integrand ordered bottom to top.

  REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: arch_p_lvl_B_2_T
                                ! arch_p_lvl ordered bottom to top.

                                ! Full complement of archived pressure levels,
                                ! intermediate half levels, and fixed pressures
                                ! at bottom and top of atmospheric column, in
                                ! Pascals.

                                ! Layer thicknesses, where a layer is defined
                                ! as the positive difference between intermedi-
                                ! ate half levels. Pascals.

                                ! Beta multiplier as discusssed in, for example,
                                ! Trenberth and Solomon (1994). Dimensionless.

                                ! Array to store nalvl elements of integrand
                                ! mapped into 2*nalvl+1 elements of m, where
                                ! nalvl is the number of archived pressure
                                ! levels.

! Declaration of local variables:

  INTEGER :: nalvl              ! Number of archived pressure levels, ie the
                                ! size of the assumed-shape arrays arch_p_lvl
                                ! and integrand. Minimum number of archived
                                ! pressure levels is 3.

  INTEGER :: j                  ! DO loop control variable and discrete inte-
                                ! gration index employed by Trenberth and
                                ! Solomon (1994). [This is not J (ie nalvl), the
                                ! number of archived pressure levels.]

  REAL :: p_sum                 ! Variable for storing partial sum of discrete
                                ! integration summation.

  REAL, PARAMETER :: g = 9.80616
                                ! Gravitational acceleration, m s^(-2). Default.
                                ! (Be sure to check the source of the data with
                                ! regard to the most appropriate value of g.)

  INTEGER :: alloc_err          ! Memory allocation error flag.

  INTEGER :: dealloc_err        ! Memory deallocation error flag.

! Assign nalvl, the number of archived pressure levels:

  nalvl = SIZE(arch_p_lvl)      ! Assign number of elements of arch_p_lvl to
                                ! nalvl.

    IF ( nalvl < 3 ) THEN

      WRITE (*,*) "ERROR CONDITION:                         "
      WRITE (*,*) "The number of archived pressure levels   "
      WRITE (*,*) "nalvl must be greater than or equal to 3:"
      WRITE (*,*)  nalvl
      WRITE (*,*) "Is there an INTERFACE, END INTERFACE     "
      WRITE (*,*) "block for this subroutine in calling     "
      WRITE (*,*) "program?                                 "
      WRITE (*,*) "Execution halted in function V_INT_PRESS."

    END IF

! IF integrand and arch_p_lvl are ordered top to bottom then reorder
! bottom to top in allocated memory to be consistent with algorithm:

  ALLOCATE ( integrand_B_2_T(1:nalvl) )

  ALLOCATE ( arch_p_lvl_B_2_T(1:nalvl) )

  IF ( T_2_B ) THEN

   arch_p_lvl_B_2_T(1:nalvl) = arch_p_lvl(nalvl:1:-1)

    integrand_B_2_T(1:nalvl) = integrand(nalvl:1:-1)

  ELSE IF ( .NOT. ( T_2_B ) ) THEN

   arch_p_lvl_B_2_T(:) = arch_p_lvl(:)

    integrand_B_2_T(:) = integrand(:)


! Allocate p and compute and assign full complement of p:
  ALLOCATE( p(0:2*nalvl), STAT = alloc_err )

  IF ( alloc_err /= 0 ) THEN

    WRITE (*,*) "ERROR CONDITION:                           "
    WRITE (*,*) "Insufficient memory to allocate p          "
    WRITE (*,*) "or p has already been allocated.           "
    WRITE (*,*) "Execution halted in function               "
    WRITE (*,*) "V_INT_PRESS.                               "


   p(1:2*nalvl-1:2) = arch_p_lvl_B_2_T(1:nalvl)
                                ! Assign archived pressure levels,
                                ! j = 1, 3, ..., 2*nalvl - 1.

   DO j = 3, 2*nalvl-3, 2

    IF ( .NOT. ( ( p(j-2) > p(j) ) .AND. ( p(j) > p(j+2) )  ) ) THEN

      WRITE (*,*) "ERROR CONDITION:                         "
      WRITE (*,*) "Archived pressure levels must decrease   "
      WRITE (*,*) "monotonically.                           "
      WRITE (*,*) "Execution halted in function V_INT_PRESS."
    END IF


   p(2:2*nalvl-2:2) = ( p(1:2*nalvl-3:2) + p(3:2*nalvl-1:2) ) / 2.
                                ! Compute intermediate half-levels from archived
                                ! pressure levels,
                                ! j = 2, 4, ..., 2*nalvl - 2.

               p(0) = p_o       ! Assign fixed pressure at bottom of column,
                                ! j = 0.

         p(2*nalvl) = p_t       ! Assign fixed pressure at top of column,
                                ! j = 2*nalvl.

    IF ( ( p(0) < p(1) ) .OR. ( p(2*nalvl) > p(2*nalvl-1) ) ) THEN
      WRITE (*,*) "ERROR CONDITION:                         " 
      WRITE (*,*) "Either p_o is not greater than the bottom"
      WRITE (*,*) "archived pressure, or p_t is not less    "
      WRITE (*,*) "than the top archived pressure.          "
      WRITE (*,*) "Execution halted in function V_INT_PRESS."
    ELSE IF ( .NOT. ( ( p(0) > p_s ) .AND. ( p_s > p(2*nalvl) ) ) ) THEN

      WRITE (*,*) "ERROR CONDITION:                         " 
      WRITE (*,*) "The surface pressure p_s does not lie    "
      WRITE (*,*) "between p_o and p_t.                     "
      WRITE (*,*) "Execution halted in function V_INT_PRESS."
    END IF

! Compute and assign layer thicknesses:

  ALLOCATE( dp(0:2*nalvl), STAT = alloc_err )

  IF ( alloc_err /= 0 ) THEN
    WRITE (*,*) "ERROR CONDITION:                           "
    WRITE (*,*) "Insufficient memory to allocate dp         "
    WRITE (*,*) "or dp has already been allocated.          "
    WRITE (*,*) "Execution halted in function               "
    WRITE (*,*) "V_INT_PRESS.                               "

  dp(1:2*nalvl-1:2) = p(0:2*nalvl-2:2) - p(2:2*nalvl:2)
                                ! Compute layer thicknesses,
                                ! j = 1, 3, ..., 2*nalvl - 1.

    dp(0:2*nalvl:2) = 0.        ! Assign even indexed dp as 0.,
                                ! j = 0, 2, ..., 2*nalvl.

    IF ( ANY( dp < 0. ) ) THEN 
      WRITE (*,*) "ERROR CONDITION:                         " 
      WRITE (*,*) "Layer thicknesses must be nonnegative.   "
      WRITE (*,*) "Execution halted in function V_INT_PRESS."

    END IF

! Compute and assign beta:

  ALLOCATE( beta(0:2*nalvl), STAT = alloc_err ) 

  IF ( alloc_err /= 0 ) THEN
    WRITE (*,*) "ERROR CONDITION:                           "
    WRITE (*,*) "Insufficient memory to allocate beta       "
    WRITE (*,*) "or beta has already been allocated.        "
    WRITE (*,*) "Execution halted in function               "
    WRITE (*,*) "V_INT_PRESS.                               "

  DO j = 1, 2*nalvl - 1, 2      ! Computing beta for j = 1, 3, ..., 2*nalvl - 1.

    IF ( ( p_s < p(j-1) ) .AND. ( p_s > p(j+1) ) ) THEN

      beta(j) = ( p_s - p(j+1) ) / ( p(j-1) - p(j+1) )

    ELSE IF ( p(j-1) < p_s ) THEN

      beta(j) = 1.

    ELSE IF ( p(j+1) > p_s ) THEN

      beta(j) = 0.

    END IF

  beta(0:2*nalvl:2) = 0.        ! Assign even indexed beta as 0.,
                                ! j = 0, 2, ..., 2*nalvl.

    IF ( ANY( beta < 0. ) ) THEN    

      WRITE (*,*) "ERROR CONDITION:                         "
      WRITE (*,*) "Beta factors must be nonnegative.        "
      WRITE (*,*) "Execution halted in function V_INT_PRESS."
    END IF

! Map nalvl elements of integrand_B_2_T into 2*nalvl+1 elements of m, accounting
! for missing data after the mapping.

  ALLOCATE( m(0:2*nalvl), STAT = alloc_err )

  IF ( alloc_err /= 0 ) THEN
    WRITE (*,*) "ERROR CONDITION:                           "
    WRITE (*,*) "Insufficient memory to allocate m          "
    WRITE (*,*) "or m has already been allocated.           "
    WRITE (*,*) "Execution halted in function               "
    WRITE (*,*) "V_INT_PRESS.                               "

   m(1:2*nalvl-1:2) = integrand_B_2_T(1:nalvl)
                                ! Assign elements of m,
                                ! j = 1, 3, ..., 2*nalvl - 1.

     m(0:2*nalvl:2) = 0.        ! Assign even indexed m as 0.,
                                ! j = 0, 2, ..., 2*nalvl.

  WHERE ( m == msg_val ) m = 0. ! Account for missing values so that contribu-
                                ! tion to discrete integration will be zero.

! Compute vertical integral.

  p_sum = 0.                    ! Initialize p_sum.

  DO j = 1, 2*nalvl - 1, 2

   p_sum = p_sum + beta(j) * m(j) * dp(j)
                                ! Cumulative sum of V_INT_PRESS.

  V_INT_PRESS = (1./g) * p_sum   ! Assign V_INT_PRESS.

! Deallocate allocated arrays:

  DEALLOCATE( p, STAT = dealloc_err )

    IF ( dealloc_err /= 0 ) THEN

      WRITE (*,*) "ERROR CONDITION:                         "
      WRITE (*,*) "Deallocation of memory allocated         "
      WRITE (*,*) "to p unsuccessful.                       "
      WRITE (*,*) "Execution halted in function             "
      WRITE (*,*) "V_INT_PRESS.                             "

    END IF

  DEALLOCATE( dp, STAT = dealloc_err )

    IF ( dealloc_err /= 0 ) THEN     
      WRITE (*,*) "ERROR CONDITION:                         "
      WRITE (*,*) "Deallocation of memory allocated         "
      WRITE (*,*) "to dp unsuccessful.                      "
      WRITE (*,*) "Execution halted in function             "
      WRITE (*,*) "V_INT_PRESS.                             "
    END IF

  DEALLOCATE( beta, STAT = dealloc_err )

    IF ( dealloc_err /= 0 ) THEN     
      WRITE (*,*) "ERROR CONDITION:                         "
      WRITE (*,*) "Deallocation of memory allocated         "
      WRITE (*,*) "to beta unsuccessful.                    "
      WRITE (*,*) "Execution halted in function             "
      WRITE (*,*) "V_INT_PRESS.                             "
    END IF
  DEALLOCATE( m, STAT = dealloc_err )

    IF ( dealloc_err /= 0 ) THEN     
      WRITE (*,*) "ERROR CONDITION:                         "
      WRITE (*,*) "Deallocation of memory allocated         "
      WRITE (*,*) "to m unsuccessful.                       "
      WRITE (*,*) "Execution halted in function             "
      WRITE (*,*) "V_INT_PRESS.                             "
    END IF

  DEALLOCATE( integrand_B_2_T )

  DEALLOCATE( arch_p_lvl_B_2_T )
