Fortran 90 SUBROUTINE eof_scalar

!           FILE: /fs/cgd/home0/davestep/f90_routines/SUB_eof_scalar.f90
!         AUTHOR: David Stepaniak, NCAR/CGD/CAS
! DATE INITIATED: Mon Jan 26 13:15:21 MST 1998
!  LAST MODIFIED: Fri Mar 13 08:31:36 MST 1998
!       SYNOPSIS: Computes EOFs, eigenvalues, and coefficients of EOFs for
!                 a scalar data field.
!    DESCRIPTION: To fix ideas, suppose that one has constructed a data
!                 matrix consisting of M rows, each row corresponding to
!                 a spatial grid point, and N columns, each column
!                 corresponding to a temporal observation. Each row is
!                 simply a time series of observations for a particular
!                 grid point, and each column is simply a set of grid
!                 point observations at a particular time. We may call
!                 this data matrix F.
!                 The time series of F may consist of raw data, or anomalies
!                 computed using a climatology, or some other user-defined
!                 form.
!                 In what follows it will be assumed that, as a final step,
!                 the overall mean of each time series of F has been subtracted
!                 from its corresponding time series so as to form deviations
!                 from the mean. (This allows efficient matrix based
!                 calculation of the variance-covariance matrix and its
!                 relatives.) The matrix of deviations will be denoted by Fd.
!                 The M Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs) of this data
!                 Fd may be obtained by computing the eigenvectors of the MxM
!                 variance-covariance matix R = Fd * Fd_T / N, where Fd_T is
!                 the transpose of Fd. Since it is most often the case that
!                 M >> N with M numbering in the thousands, the task of
!                 computing the eigenvectors (and eigenvalues) of R is
!                 computationally prohibitive.
!                 An alternative and efficient method put forth by von
!                 Storch and Hannoschock (1984) computes the N eigenvalues
!                 and eigenvectors of the NxN matrix formed by Fd_T * Fd / N,
!                 a much less computationally intensive exercise. From this
!                 NxN eigensystem it is straight forward to obtain the first
!                 N of M eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the original MxM
!                 system where the corresponding pairs of eigenvalues and
!                 eigenvectors are arranged in descending order according to
!                 eigenvalue. This subroutine implements the von Storch and
!                 Hannoschock algorithm.
!          INPUT:    ucM. Number of spatial grid points.
!                    ucN. Number of temporal observations.
!                   ucFd. Data matrix in which rows are time series of
!                         deviations from their corresponding overall time
!                         mean.
!         OUTPUT:    ucE. EOFs arranged column by column in order of their
!                         corresponding set of eigenvalues.
!                 ucL_N1. Eigenvalues arranged in descending order.
!                    ucC. Coefficent matrix of EOFs. 
!          NOTES: Input and output arguments are more fully described in the
!                 argument list below.
!                 Time series containing missing values are not allowed. It
!                 is left to the user to make provisions for time series
!                 containing missing values. This usually involves employing
!                 a grid point mask to assist in the packing and bookkeeping
!                 of the input data array and the unpacking and bookkeeping
!                 of the output EOF array.
!                 It is assumed that M > N. 
!                 Utilizes SSYEV routine from LAPACK to compute eigenvalues
!                 and eigenvectors of a real symmetric matrix. On winterpark
!                 compile with -r4 and -lcomplib.sgimath flags where r4
!                 indicates 32 bit (4 byte) storage of real variables and
!                 and complib.sgimath is the Silicon Graphics Scientific
!                 Mathematical Library which contains LAPACK routines among
!                 others.
!      REFERENCE: von Storch, H., and G. Hannoschock (1984) Comments on
!                 "Emipirical Orthogonal Function Analysis of Wind Vectors
!                 Over the Tropical Pacific Ocean". Bulletin of the
!                 Meteorological Society of America, 65, 162.
!                 [Appeared as a letter to the editor concerning: Legler,
!                 D. M. (1983) Empirical Orthogonal Function Analysis of Wind
!                 Vectors over the Tropical Pacific Region. Bulletin of the
!                 Meteorological Society of America, 64, 234-241.]
  SUBROUTINE eof_scalar( ucM, ucN, ucFd, ucE, ucL_N1, ucC )


! Argument list in order of appearance:

  INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                          :: ucM  
                                      ! Number of spatial grid points to be
                                      ! represented in MxN data matrix. (ucM
                                      ! refers to upper case M.)

  INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                          :: ucN
                                      ! Number of temporal observations of a
                                      ! time series. (ucN refers to uppercase
                                      ! N.) It is assumed that M > N.

  REAL, DIMENSION( 1:ucM, 1:ucN ), INTENT(IN)  :: ucFd
                                      ! MxN data array in which there are M
                                      ! rows (M grid points) each of which
                                      ! contains N columns (N temporal
                                      ! observations). Thus each row is
                                      ! simply a time series of observations
                                      ! at a particular grid point.

                                      !---------------- NOTE! ---------------+
                                      ! Irregardless of how the data (in     |
                                      ! particular the time series) are      |
                                      ! prepared, AS A FINAL STEP the overall|
                                      ! mean of each time series should be   |
                                      ! subtracted from its corresponding    |
                                      ! time series so as to form deviations |
                                      ! from the mean. This allows for       |
                                      ! efficient matrix-based calculation of|
                                      ! the variance-covariance matrix and   |
                                      ! its relatives.                       |

  REAL, DIMENSION( 1:ucM, 1:ucN ), INTENT(OUT) :: ucE
                                      ! MxN array containing N EOFs
                                      ! (eigenvectors.)
                                      ! Each EOF has M components which
                                      ! correspond to the M spatial grid
                                      ! points. The EOFs are stored in
                                      ! columns in the same order as their
                                      ! corresponding eigenvalues arranged
                                      ! from greatest to least.

  REAL, DIMENSION( 1:ucN ), INTENT(OUT)        :: ucL_N1
                                      ! Nx1 one-dimensional array containing
                                      ! eigenvalues arranged from greatest
                                      ! to least.

  REAL, DIMENSION( 1:ucN, 1:ucN ), INTENT(OUT) :: ucC
                                      ! NxN array containing raw coefficients
                                      ! of EOFs. The raw coefficients
                                      ! form time series of the temporal
                                      ! behavoir of each EOF, and are stored
                                      ! row by row with the first row
                                      ! corresponding to the first EOF and so
                                      ! on.

! Declare useful transposes:

  REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE            :: ucFd_T
                                      ! NxM transpose array of ucFd.
  REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE            :: ucE_T
                                      ! NxM transpose array of ucE.

! Declare arrays and scalars to implement von Storch and Hannoschock (1984)
! algorithm:

  REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE            :: ucQ
                                      ! NxN array formed by the multiplication
                                      ! ucFd_T * ucFd / ucN => ucQ. Thus
                                      !  [NxM] * [MxN]      => [NxN].
                                      ! Note that ucQ is a real symmetric
                                      ! matrix.

  REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE            :: ucZ
                                      ! NxN array containing N eigenvectors
                                      ! of ucQ. The eigenvectors each have N 
                                      ! components, and are stored in
                                      ! columns in the same order as their
                                      ! corresponding eigenvalues arranged
                                      ! from greatest to least.

  INTEGER                                      :: col
                                      ! Simply a DO loop control variable for
                                      ! incrementing over columns.

  REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE              :: ucFdz
                                      ! Mx1 column vector (array) formed by the
                                      ! multiplication of ucFd and a single
                                      ! column (eigenvector) of ucZ. Thus
                                      ! ucFd * ucZ(:,col) => ucFdz,
                                      ! [MxN]* [Nx1]      => [Mx1]

  REAL                                         :: euc_norm_ucFdz
                                      ! Scalar. Euclidean norm of ucFdz. That
                                      ! is, the square root of the sum of the
                                      ! element by element multiplication of
                                      ! ucFdz and ucFdz.

! Arguments for LAPACK SSYEV routine. SSYEV computes the eigenvectors and 
! eigenvalues of a real symmetric matrix.

  CHARACTER(1)                                 :: arg_JOBZ
                                      ! Flag for computing only eigenvalues,
                                      ! or eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

  CHARACTER(1)                                 :: arg_UPLO
                                      ! Flag indicating storage of upper or
                                      ! lower triangle of arg_A.

  INTEGER                                      :: arg_N
                                      ! Number of rows (or columns) of arg_A.

  REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE            :: arg_A
                                      ! On entry, real symmetric matrix
                                      ! arg_A. On exit, and when computing
                                      ! both eigenvalues and eigenvectors,
                                      ! contains the orthonormal 
                                      ! eigenvectors of arg_A with the ith
                                      ! column of arg_A holding the
                                      ! eigenvector associated with 
                                      ! arg_W(i).

  INTEGER                                      :: arg_LDA
                                      ! A parameter (typically N).

  REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE              :: arg_W
                                      ! Contains the eigenvalues of arg_A in
                                      ! ascending order        

  REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE              :: arg_WORK
                                      ! One-dimensional work array.

  INTEGER                                      :: arg_LWORK
                                      ! A parameter (typically 3*N-1).

  INTEGER                                      :: arg_INFO
                                      ! Error trapping parameter diagnosed in
                                      ! code as below.

!                         +------------------------+
!>------------------------| BEGIN EXECUTABLE CODE: |--------------------------<
!                         +------------------------+
! Form the NxN array Q = ucFd_T * ucFd / ucN:

      ALLOCATE( ucFd_T( 1:ucN, 1:ucM ) )

                ucFd_T         = TRANSPOSE( ucFd )

      ALLOCATE( ucQ( 1:ucN, 1:ucN ) )

                ucQ            = MATMUL( ucFd_T, ucFd ) / REAL( ucN )

    DEALLOCATE( ucFd_T )

! Assign arguments for LAPACK SSYEV routine:

                arg_JOBZ       = "V"  ! Compute both eigenvalues and
                                      ! eigenvectors.

                arg_UPLO       = "L"  ! Store lower triangle of arg_A.

                arg_N          = ucN  ! arg_N is simply ucN.

      ALLOCATE( arg_A( 1:ucN, 1:ucN ) )

                arg_A          = ucQ  ! Assign arg_A as ucQ.

    DEALLOCATE(                  ucQ )
                arg_LDA        = ucN  ! arg_LDA is simply ucN.
      ALLOCATE( arg_W( 1:ucN ))
                arg_LWORK      = 3*ucN - 1
                                      ! arg_LWORK is simply 3*ucN - 1.
      ALLOCATE( arg_WORK( 1:arg_LWORK ) )
                arg_INFO       = 0    ! arg_info initialized as zero.

!> Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of ucQ:
    CALL SSYEV( arg_JOBZ,      &
                arg_UPLO,      &
                arg_N,         &
                arg_A,         &
                arg_LDA,       &
                arg_W,         &
                arg_WORK,      &
                arg_LWORK,     &
                arg_INFO       &

           IF ( arg_INFO < 0 ) THEN 
                WRITE (*,* )   "FATAL ERROR CONDITION:                    "
                WRITE (*,100)   -arg_INFO,"th argument of SSYEV           "
                WRITE (*,*)    "had an illegal value.                     "
                WRITE (*,*)    "Execution halted in subroutine eof_scalar."
           ELSE IF ( arg_INFO > 0 ) THEN
                WRITE (*,*)    "FATAL ERROR CONDITION:                    "
                WRITE (*,*)    "LAPACK SSYEV algorithm failed to converge "
                WRITE (*,200)  "after finding only ",arg_INFO-1,          &
                               " eigenvalues.                             "
                WRITE (*,*)    "Execution halted in subroutine eof_scalar."
           END IF

! Extract ucE (EOFs) from ucZ:

      ALLOCATE( ucZ( 1:ucN, 1:ucN ) )

                ucZ(:,1:ucN)   = arg_A(:,ucN:1:-1)
                                      ! Arrange eigenvectors of ucZ so as to
                                      ! have same order as corresponding set
                                      ! of descending eigenvalues.

    DEALLOCATE( arg_A )

      ALLOCATE( ucFdz( 1:ucM ) )

             DO col            = 1, ucN
                                      ! Loop over all eigenvectors of ucZ.

                ucFdz(:)       = MATMUL( ucFd(:,:), ucZ(:,col) )
                                      ! Compute ucFd * ucZ for a single
                                      ! eigenvector of ucZ.

                euc_norm_ucFdz = SQRT(                                  &
                                       DOT_PRODUCT( ucFdz(:),ucFdz(:) ) &
                                      ! Compute Euclidean norm of ucFdz.

                ucE(:,col)     = ucFdz(:) / euc_norm_ucFdz
                                      ! Normalize ucFdz by its Euclidean
                                      ! norm to get corresponding Mx1
                                      ! eigenvector (EOF) of ucE.

             END DO


    DEALLOCATE( ucFdz )

      ALLOCATE( ucE_T( 1:ucN,1:ucM ) )

                ucE_T          = TRANSPOSE( ucE )
                ucC            = MATMUL( ucE_T, ucFd )
                                      ! Compute coefficient matrix.


                ucL_N1(:)      = arg_W(ucN:1:-1)
                                      ! Assign eigenvalues in descending order.

    DEALLOCATE( arg_W )

! Format statements:

    100 FORMAT( I1,A23 )

    200 FORMAT( A19,I4,A37 )


  END SUBROUTINE eof_scalar
