f90 makefile for middlepark / winterpark

# =============================================================================
# makefile                                                   (DESCRIPTION FILE)
# Somewhat generic f90 makefile for use on middlepark / winterpark. Use this as
# an example and modify it to suit your needs.
# David Stepaniak (CGD/CAS)
# 27, 30 June 1997
# 0) Does not cover recursive make. Source code must exist in same directory
#    as object code and executable. The simplest way to achieve this is to
#    make symbolic links to source code from directory in which you want to
#    build executable.
# 1) Prefixes PROGRAM_ refers to main program file, MOD_ to module files, FUN_
#    to function files(not shown in this example), & SUB_ to subroutine files.
#    Your naming conventions may be different.
# 2) A tab must begin a command line. In this makefile command lines are sig-
#    nificantly indented and begin with f${FORTRAN_VER}.  Use cat -v -t -e
#    makefile to see tabs (appear as ^I) and returns (appear as $ at the end
#    of a line).
# 3) Continuation of a line is denoted by \ and there must be no space after
#    it.
# 4) In order for modules contained in separate files to be properly referenced
#    by other source code, the modules must be compiled first so that their
#    module_name.kmo files and their object files are created before any other
#    object files. This step is performed only during initial make or when
#    module files are modified.
# 5) Recommended use of this makefile ( a > means from command line):
#    a) Make sure that compiler options are the ones you want in COMPILER
#       MACROS section.
#    b) Check which library paths, library names, and include file paths are
#       needed and modify PATH AND LIB MACROS section accordingly.
#    c) Enter desired name of executable file in PROGRAM TARGET section.
#    d) Enter all source file names, replacing (.f90,.f) extension with .o 
#       extension in TARGETS OF PREREQUISITE (.f90,.f) SOURCE FILES section.
#    e) Modify the last section which is a SPECIAL TARGET for compiling mod-
#       ules first. Enter the appropriate wild card specification of module
#       files to match your own convention of naming module files. (It is rec-
#       commended that modules files have at least a .f90 extension.)
#    f) To 'precompile' separate files containing modules:
#       > make MODULES
#       (If source code does not contain separate files for modules this step
#       does not have to be performed.)
#    g) Then to compile and link all source code:
#       > make `name of program'
#       (In the example below `name of program' is f90_netcdf) Thereafter,
#       only step (g) needs to be implemented except when module files are
#       modified after a given make.
# =============================================================================
# Significant suffixes [assuming Fortran 90 (.f90) and possibly Fortran 77
# (.f) source code]:

       .SUFFIXES : .o .f90 .f

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# (a) Set Fortran version and compiler options:               (COMPILER MACROS)
     FORTRAN_VER = 90 

     MEM_ADDRESS = 64
        INST_SET = mips4
      OPTMZN_LEV = 3
      REAL_BYTES = 4


# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# (b) Set library paths & names, and include file paths:  (PATH AND LIB MACROS)

  MIPS4_R4_LPATH = /usr/local/lib_mips4_r4
  MIPS4_R8_LPATH = /usr/local/lib_mips4_r8
         MSS_LIB = mss
      NETCDF_LIB = netcdf
       NCARU_LIB = ncaru

    NETCDF_IPATH = /usr/local/include


# (c) Set program (executable file) name:                      (PROGRAM TARGET)

        PROGRAM = f90_netcdf

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# (d) Create expected object file list, with .o extension:     [TARGETS OF PRE-
#     Example `prerequisite' (.f90,.f) source files:
#                 PROGRAM_f90_netcdf.f90
#                 MOD_math_constants.f90
#                     SUB_f77_netcdf.f
#     In this example SUB_f77_netcdf.f is a stand-alone f77 subroutine which
#     utilizes the netcdf.inc file and various netcdf functions. Notice how it
#     is compiled with ${INCLUDE_PATHS} below. It is callable by f90 routines.

   OBJECT_FILES = PROGRAM_f90_netcdf.o \
                  MOD_math_constants.o \

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# (g) Assign dependents to target on dependency line & link options on command
#     line. Command line is initiated with a tab. ($@ is an internal macro for
#     the current target.)

                              ${LIBRARY_PATHS} ${LIBRARY_NAMES}

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Individual compilation using significant suffix. (`make' uses the suffix rule
# .f90.o: f90 -c ... $< to compile .f90 prerequisite files into their .o target
# files if any of the .f90 files were modified since the last make. Same for
# .f.o: f90 -c ... $<.)

         .f90.o :

           .f.o :

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# (e, f) SPECIAL TARGET for compiling files containing modules so that
#        module_name.kmo files and associated object files are created or
#        updated before all other source code object files. Also, a target
#        is provided for removing object files and the executable. Invoke
#        this target as make CLEAN. (A tab must proceed the /bin/rm.)
        MODULES :

        CLEAN :
        /bin/rm *.o ${PROGRAM}

# =============================================================================
# End makefile.
# =============================================================================