Table 4.1
Selected NCAR Oceanographic Datasets
Description Size
ds110.1 Trenberth, Global Wind Stress Climatology Based on ECMWF1741980-89
ds209.0 Esbensen, Global wind stress and heat budget climatology 9 
ds209.1 Weare, Tropical Pacific Ocean yr-mo heat budget23 1957-79
ds209.2 semer and Hasse, Bunker Climate Atlas of the North Atlantic25 
ds209.3 Hastenrath, Heat budget atlas for the tropical Atlantic 5 
ds230.0 OBrien, FSU trop. Pacific Indian Ocean. yr-mon wind str. 201 961-92
ds231.0 Wyrtki, Tropical Pacific yr-mon surface wind stress9 1947-73
ds232.0 Hellerman, GFDL Monthly Global wind stress 3  
ds232.1 Harrison, Climatological mean wind stress, global ocean 19
ds236.0 Legates, Global air temp. and precip., monthly climatology 84  
ds250.0 Pacific hourly, daily, and monthly sea level heights 51 1901-87
ds251.0 EPOCS, Equatorial Pacific Ocean Climate Studies datasets 94 1 950-79
ds252.0 PSMSL Permanent Service Mean Sea Level station data 241800-1987
ds253.0 Air and Surface water co2 and n2, obs., global ocean21977-90
ds254.0 Najjar, Global ocean nutrient grids (po4, no3, sio2), 1x145  
ds255.0 Hansen, AOML EPOCS drifting buoy position and SST 9 1979-84
ds256.0 MEDS, Global surface drifting buoy dataset15001978-93
ds256.1 PMEL/TOGA-TOA Atlas moored buoys, EPOCS moored buoys421980-91
ds256.2 Colony, Arctic SLP and T. from Ice Buoys, 2 x daily251 1979-90
ds257.0MEDS, Canadian West and East Coast sst and salinity101914-85
ds258.0 Scripps pier west coast temp. and salinity31916-90
ds259.0 Ship Improved METeorological (IMET) data, May-Nov, Knorr 4 1992
ds271.0 Oort and Yi, Global yr-mon SST grids from COADS 3931 880-79
ds272.0 Sadler, Tropical Marine Climate Atlas, sst, slp, wind stress 10 & nbsp
ds274.0 Rasmussen, Tropical Pacific yr-mo sst, wind, t-air 2041946-76
ds277.0 NMC yr-mo, weekly, and climate SST (blend+OI+EOF) 401950-94
ds277.1 Leetmaa, NMC, wkly, trop. Pacific, subsurf. U, V, and T 520 1991-94
ds278.0 Bauer, Global ocean near surface monthly and annual climatology70 &n bsp
ds279.0 Samuels Cox, GFDL Dataset Atlas for Oceanographic Model. 165  
ds280.0 Meehl, Global long-term mean ocean surface currents .2  
ds285.0 Levitus (NODC), World Ocean Atlas: 1 degree grids and obs.32001900-9 3
ds285.1 Southern Ocean Atlas, gridded (1x2) and observed stations 25 190 0-75
ds286.0 Fukumori, The Hydrography of the North Atlantic Ocean... 18  
ds287.0 GFDL MOM Model Climatological Datasets 310  
ds289.0 Shea et. al (1992), Global Monthly SST Climatology (2 degree; via ftp)1  
ds289.1 Bottomley's Global Ocean Surface Temperature Atlas 68  
ds474.0 Colony, Russian Ice Stations Meteorological Obs., 6-hrly 10 1 950-90
ds533.0 USSR Marine Ship Archive, surface marine obs. 2510 1888-1991
ds541.2 Petty's global ocean precipitation characteristics  
ds535.0 Observations from Ocean Weather Ships 470 1941-91
ds541.0 Oberhuber, An atlas based on COADS, global, climatology 75  
ds541.1 da Silva, Atlas of Marine Surf. Data, clim. and anomalies 3000 19 45
ds542.0 NODC XBT, MBT, SBT, SD, and STD/CTD station data archive 2763 1 900-92
ds543.0 J.L. Reid, Selected deep ocean stations (7000 obs) 18 1900-87
ds544.0 Jenkins, Tritium and helium-3 from TTO-NAS and NATS .3 1981
ds545.0 Hydrographic Data from Warm Core Ring 82-B, Stalcup et al. 9 < td> 1982
ds545.1 Gulf Stream Anatomy Hydrographic Survey - Fall 1988, Rossby 4 19 88
ds552.0 UNESCO selected river flow rates 2 1800-1972
ds726.0 Atlas, SEASAT scatterometer derived wind stress, dealiased 200 1 978
ds726.1 Chelton, SEASAT scatterometer derived wind stress 1 19 78
ds727.1 Fu and Zlotnicki, JPL GEOSAT Gridded Data Track File 520 1986- 88
ds744.0 ESA ERS-1 satellite scatterometer data. 8500 1991-1995
 Ocean Depth and Land Elevation
ds750.1 Scripps/RAND Corp. global land elevation / ocean depth 1  
ds759.1 ETOPO5 5 minute gridded world elevation / ocean depth 57  
ds754.0 Global 10 minute Elevation Dataset from the Navy 56  
 Comprehensive Ocean Atmosphere Dataset (COADS)
*global ocean surface data from ships and buoys*
ds540.0 CMR, Compressed Marine Reports, 72 million obs. 1723 1854- 1979
ds540.0 LMRF, Long Marine Reports, 45 million obs. 2700 1980-93
ds540.1 MSTG, Monthly Summary Statistics, in 2x2 squares 1600 1854- 1993
 Datasets from Operational Atmospheric Analyses < /I>
ds082.1 NMC 2.5x2.5 Global Grids, surface subset, 2xdaily 3000 1976- 95
  NMC 2.5x2.5 Global Grids, yr-mon grids 1 00 1976-95
ds084.5 NMC Med. Range Forecast Model Flux Archive, 4xdaily 2200 1990- 95
ds240.0 U.S. Navy Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center 8123 1961- 91
ds110.0 ECMWF 2.5x2.5 Global Grids, near surface subset 663 1980- 89
ds111.1 ECMWF/TOGA Adv. Oper. Dataset, 4xdaily, 1x1 resol. 29000 1985- 95
ds111.2 ECMWF/TOGA Basic 2.5x2.5 Analysis, 2xdaily 15000 1 985-95
ds108.0 Australian National Meteorological Research Centre 1720 1972- 89
 Sea Ice
ds233.0 Walsh, Arctic Monthly Sea Ice Concentration 5 1953-8 8
ds234.0 Ropelewski, Antarctic Monthly Ice Area 1 1973-9 0
ds270.2 Alexander and Mobley, Monthly Average SST+Ice-Pack Limits 2 & nbsp