An Introduction to Atmospheric and Oceanographic Datasets
The composition of the atmosphere and oceans is an important component
of the climate system. From the deepest part of the ocean to the top
of the atmosphere, atmospheric and oceanic composition exerts a
profound influence on the atmosphere/ocean's structure and dynamical
systems, and on the radiation emitted and absorbed by the
atmosphere. Atmospheric composition is a primary factor in the thermal
structure of the atmosphere. The climate could be changed as a result
of alterations to outgoing radiative fluxes by greenhouse
gases. Aerosols introduced by volcanos (e.g., so2)
and humans (e.g., CFCs
and HFCs) can cause changes on both short and long time scales by
altering the chemical makeup of the atmosphere and, thus, altering the
radiative balance of the earth.
Some important atmosphere/ocean constituents include:
- Water vapor (i.e., the gaseous phase of water) is a very
important greenhouse gas because it strongly absorbs outgoing
long-wave radiation and, of course, is essential to life itself.
Atmospheric water vapor is very important in large-scale thermally
driven circulations due to the release of latent heat when the water
vapor condenses. Specific (or relative) humidity is a variable
commonly (but poorly) observed by both conventional observations
(Chapter 3) and satellites (Chapter 5) and is available on analyzed
grids (Chapter 6). The distribution of water vapor is known to within
(+- 20%).
- Ozone is present in abundance between 10 and 40 kilometers above
the earth's surface. This region of the stratosphere contains about
90% of the world's ozone. One reason for the importance of ozone is
that it absorbs dangerous ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. In
fact, ozone absorbs nearly all solar radiation between 0.2 and 0.3
um. Decreases in ozone in the upper atmosphere (e.g., ``the
ozone hole''; possibly induced by humans) allow more ultra-violet
radiation to reach the surface of the earth which could alter the
chemistry of the troposphere and expose plants, animals and humans to
dangerous side-effects. Additionally, variations in ozone amounts,
which are very sensitive to variations in solar radiation, affect the
distribution of temperature and wind in the stratosphere, which could
affect the dynamical interactions between the stratosphere and
- It is also an important component of smog near the surface and
some communities have occasional `ozone alerts'.
- Observational records from both Mauna Loa (Hawaii) and the South
Pole indicate that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has
been steadily increasing. Much of this increase is due to the burning
of fossil fuels. Carbon dioxide plays an important role in greenhouse
warming scenarios because it absorbs outgoing long-wave radiation
and, thereby, warms the lower atmosphere.
- Salinity is a measure of the total dissolved salts in sea water.
Combined sodium and chloride make up about 85% of the principal ionic
constituents in sea water. Although salinity varies throughout the
ocean, the relative proportion of constituents remains very nearly
constant, with the exception of ocean water directly impacted by river
runoff. This relationship is important and is exploited by
instruments designed to determine salinity. Salinity has a major
influence on the physical properties of sea water. Ocean water
density is determined by temperature and salinity; and density
variations affect water flow (ocean currents) much in the same way
atmospheric density variations cause wind. Some other properties that
are influenced by variations in salinity are: the freezing point of
sea water, the speed of sound, electrical conductivity, and specific
heat capacity.
- The distribution of oceanic dissolved nutrients and oxygen
strongly influences the distribution of biological ecosystems in the
marine environment. The primary nutrients are nitrate, nitrite,
phosphate, and silicate. The many complex relationships between
biological activities and nutrient distribution are beyond the scope
of this report. Beyond biological considerations, the variations in
large scale nutrient distributions are used as tracers to infer
general ocean circulation.
- There are several minor oceanic constituents that have recently
become of interest as scientists attempt to answer climate change and
global warming questions. For example, knowing the distribution and
changes in distribution of co2 and
n20 are important to understanding the carbon cycle
and human impacts from burning fossil fuel. Even very minor ocean
trace elements such as strontium and uranium that have been embedded
in marine corals over millenia are used to detect changing
environmental conditions in the distant past, giving a perspective for
the observed changes that have occurred in the recent decades.
Datasets, particularly those derived from satellite measurements, are
providing increased knowledge of the amount and variability of many
atmospheric constituents. The most common constituents measured
include water vapor, ozone and those associated with greenhouse
warming (e.g., methane). Measurement for many other constituents are
available but are limited. Currently, several projects are in progress
or have been proposed to address the need for more data. Some of
these include the:
WMO's Global Atmospheric Watch : The GAW program is the
principal permanent operational program for monitoring the evolution
of the chemical composition of the atmosphere on global and local
WCRP's Stratospheric Processes and their Role in Climate : The
SPARC project will make ground-based and vertical profile
measurements of physical parameters in the stratosphere as well as
aerosols and chemical species of fundamental importance to determine
stratospheric change.
IGBP's International Global
Atmospheric Chemistry Program : The
IGAC makes measurements of chemical processes in the troposphere,
particularly those related to the oxidizing capacity of the
WMO's International Global Aerosol Program : IGAP will make
observations of the optical properties related to aerosols to
determine the impact of aerosols on climate.
The Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) has archives containing greenhouse gas data and operates as a World Data Center for Atmospheric Trace Gases. (See Appendix A for details on contacting CDIAC.)
Table 7.1
Some NCAR Datasets with Constituent Information
NCAR ID | Max Period | Description |
ds254.0 |   | Najjar, Global ocean nutrient grids
po4, no3, sio2)
ds709.0 | 1989-81 | NASA SAMS Experiment Zonal Mean Methane + n2o
ds710.0 | 1978-86 | NASA Nimbus-7 Orbital Total Ozone Obs, 78Oct-86Sep
ds711.0 | 1970-77 | NASA Nimbus-4 Total Ozone Obs, 70Apr-77May
ds765.5 |   | GSFC Global Wetlands+Methane
Emission, 1 degree
ds804.0 | 1963-69 | NCC TD9518 Daily Ozone Soundings, 63Sep-69May
ds805.0 | 1951-75 | Canadian Total Ozone Obs + Anals, daily, monthly
ds805.1 | 1957-76 | London's Global Total Ozone Anals, monthly
ds805.2 | 1957-85 | Canadian Ozonesondes + Total Ozone, 1957Jul-1985
ds806.0 | 1967-69 | London's Global Ozone from OGO-4, 1967Sep-1969Jan
ds866.0 |   | GISS Methane + Livestock
Distribution, 1 degreex
ds867.0 |   | Matthew's GISS Methane from Rice Cultivation
An Introduction to Atmospheric and Oceanographic Datasets