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An Introduction to Atmospheric and Oceanographic Datasets

Appendix A

Some Atmospheric and Oceanographic Data Centers

NCAR/SCD (303) 497-1219 voice
Data Support Section (303) 497-1298 fax (attn: Data Support)
P.O. 3000 (Internet) datahelp@ncar.ucar.edu
Boulder, CO 80307 (FTP) ncardata.ucar.edu
(URL) http://www.scd.ucar.edu/dss/
NCAR Discipline: Comprehensive atmospheric-oceanic archives

National Climatic Data Center (704) 271-4800 voice
Climate Services Branch (704) 271-4876 fax
Federal Building (Internet) orders@ncdc.noaa.gov
Asheville, NC 28801 (FTP) /pub/data/inventories
(URL) http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/
NCDC Discipline: Conventional station and ocean data
(URL) http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/coare

Carbon Dioxide Inf Analysis Center (423) 574-0390 voice
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (423) 574-2232 fax
P.O. Box 2008 (Internet): cdiac@ornl.gov
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6335 (FTP) cdiac.esd.ornl.gov /pub
(URL) http://cdiac.esd.ornl.gov/
CDIAC Discipline: Greenhouse and Atmospheric trace gases and Climate

National Oceanographic Data Center (301) 713-3277 voice
NOAA/NESDIS E/0C12 (301) 713-3302 fax
SSMC-3 Fourth Floor (Internet) services@nodc.noaa.gov
1315 East-West Highway (FTP) ftp.nodc.noaa.gov
Silver Springs, MD 20910-3282 (Gopher) gopher.nodc.noaa.gov
(URL) http://www.nodc.noaa.gov
NODC Discipline: Ocean data

National Geophysical Data Center (303) 497-6826 voice
NOAA, Mail Code E/GC (303) 497-6826 fax
325 Broadway (Internet) info@ngdc.noaa.gov
Boulder, CO 80303-3328 (FTP) ftp.ngdc.noaa.gov
(URL) http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov
NGDC Discipline: marine geology & geophysics, paleoclimatology, solar terrestrial, physics and solid earth physics

User Services (303) 492-6199 voice
National Snow and Ice Data Center (303) 492-2468 fax
CIRES, Campus Box 449 (Internet) nsidc@kryos.colorado.edu
University of Colorado (FTP)
Boulder, CO 80309-0449
(URL) http://www.coare.ucar.edu
TOGA/COARE Discipline: T/C data; assorted ocean/atmosphere data

Coordinated Request User Support Office (301) 286-6695 voice
National Space Science Data Center (301) 286-1635 fax
NASA/GSFC (Internet) request@nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov
Code 633 (FTP) nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov
Greenbelt, MD 20771
(URL) http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/
NSSDC Discipline: Planetary, space physics and Astronomical Data

ASF DAAC User Services (907) 474-6166 voice
Alaska SAR Facility (907) 474-5195 fax
University of Alaska (Internet) uso@eosims.asf.alaska.edu
P.O. Box 757320 (FTP)
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7320
(URL) http://www.asf.alaska.edu/
ASF Discipline: Polar processes, SAR products (ice, snow)

EDC DAAC User Services (605) 594-6116 voice
U.S. Geological Survey (605) 594-6963 fax
EROS Data Center (Internet) edc@eos.nasa.gov
Mundt Federal Bldg
Sioux Falls, SD 57198 (FTP)
(URL) http://edcwww.cr.usgs.gov/landdaac/landdaac.html
EDC Discipline: Land features and processes

Distributed Active Archive Center (301) 614-5224 voice
User Services Office, Code 902.2 (301) 614-5268 fax
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Internet) daacuso@daac.gsfc.nasa.gov
Greenbelt, MD 20771 (FTP) podaac.jpl.nasa.gov
(URL) http://podaac-www.jpl.nasa.gov
GSFC Discipline: Upper atmosphere, global biosphere, atmospheric dynamics, geophysics

Langley DAAC User Services (757) 864-8656 voice
NASA Langley Research Center (757) 864-8807 fax
Mail Stop 157D (Internet) larc@eos.nasa.gov
Hampton, VA 23681-0001 (Telnet) eosdis.larc.nasa.gov -l ims (passwd larcims)
(URL) http://eosweb.larc.nasa.gov/
LaRC Discipline: Radiation budget, clouds, aerosol, tropospheric chemistry

JPL DAAC User Services (818) 354-9890 voice
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (818) 393-2718 fax
Mail Stop 300-320 (Internet) jpl@eos.nasa.gov
4800 Oak Grove Drive (FTP) ftp podaac.jpl.nasa.gov
Pasadena, CA 91109
(URL) http://podaac-www.jpl.nasa.gov
JPL Discipline: Physical oceanography

ORNL DAAC User Services Office (423) 241-3952 voice
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (423) 574-4665 fax
P.O. Box 2008 (Internet) ornl@eos.nasa.gov
Bldg 1507, Mail Stop 6407 (FTP)
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6407
(URL) http://www-eosdis.ornl.gov
ORNL Discipline: Biogeochemical dynamics

SEDAC User Services (517) 797-2615 voice
CIESIN/SEDAC (517) 797-2622 fax
2250 Pierce Road (Internet) ciesin.info@ciesin.org
University Center, MI 48710
(URLs) http://www.ciesin.org, http://sedac.ciesin.org
CIESIN = Consortium for International Earth Sci. Info. Network
SEDAC = Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center
CIESIN Discipline: Human dimensions of global change; social science data

Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis (CCCma) (250) 472-7322 voice
P. O. Box 1700 (250) 472-7300 fax
Victoria, B. C. (Internet) slambert@ec.gc.ca
(URL) http://www.on.doe.ca/card/
CCC Discipline: Model data, CMC Global analyses, climate data

Climate Prediction Center (301) 763-8167 voice
World Weather Building, Room 800
5200 Auth Road
Washington DC 20233 (FTP) nic.fb4.noaa.gov
(URL) http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/
CAC Data: SOI, Tahiti + Darwin slp; selected NMC monthly mean fields

Unidata (303) 497-8644 voice
User Support Section (303) 497-8690 fax
P.O. 3000 (Internet) support@unidata.ucar.edu
Boulder, CO 80307 (FTP) ftp.unidata.ucar.edu.
UCAR Discipline: Real time environmental data; netCDF software

Oklahoma Climatological Survey (405) 325-2541 voice
University of Oklahoma (405) 325-2550 fax
100 East Boyd (Internet) mmorriss@uoknor.edu
Norman, OK 73019
Discipline: Pacific Island Rainfall Data Base

Global Precipitation Clm Centre 49 69 8062 2981 voice
Deutscher Wetterdienst, FE 22 49 69 8062 2880 fax
P.O. Box 10 04 65 (Internet) routwzn@wzn.za-offenbach.dwd.d400.de
D-63004 Offenbach/Main, GERMANY
(URL) http://www.dwd.de/research/gpcc/e23.html
(FTP) ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/gpcp/gpcc
Discipline: Global Monthly Prc Grids; merge gauge + satellite

Atmospheric Environment Service (416) 739-4328 voice
4905 Dufferin St (416) 739-4446 fax
Downsview, Ontario (Internet)cp@dow.on.doe.ca
CANADA M3H 5T4 (FTP) www.dow.on.doe.ca
(URL) http://www.dow.on.doe.ca
AES Discipline: Forecasts, maps, climate, water, ice, and air quality

ECMWF 44 1734 499 000 voice
Shinfield Park 44 1734 869 450 fax
Reading, Berkshire RG2 9AX (Internet)Data.Services@ecmwf.int
(URL) http://www.ecmwf.int
ECMWF Discipline: Medium Range Forecasts

An Introduction to Atmospheric and Oceanographic Datasets
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