atm | decavg | cam.h0 | CLDHGH | Vertically-integrated high cloud | fraction | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | CLDICE | Grid box averaged cloud ice amount | kg/kg | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | CLDLIQ | Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount | kg/kg | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | CLDLOW | Vertically-integrated low cloud | fraction | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | CLDMED | Vertically-integrated mid-level cloud | fraction | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | CLDTOT | Vertically-integrated total cloud | fraction | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | CLOUD | Cloud fraction | fraction | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | CMFDQR | Q tendency - shallow convection rainout | kg/kg/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | CMFDQ | QV tendency - shallow convection | kg/kg/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | CMFDT | T tendency - shallow convection | K/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | CMFMC | Moist shallow convection mass flux | kg/m2/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | CONCLD | Convective cloud cover | fraction | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | CPLPRCER | Error in precipitation state (rain or snow) sent to coupler | kg/m2/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | CPLRAINC | Convective rainfall sent to coupler | kg/m2/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | CPLRAINL | Large-scale rainfall sent to coupler | kg/m2/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | CPLSNOWC | Convective snowfall sent to coupler | kg/m2/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | CPLSNOWL | Large-scale snowfall sent to coupler | kg/m2/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | DCQ | Q tendency due to moist processes | kg/kg/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | DTCOND | T tendency - moist processes | K/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | DTH | T horizontal diffusive heating | K/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | DTV | T vertical diffusion | K/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | FICE | Fractional ice content within cloud | fraction | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | FLNSC | Clearsky net longwave flux at surface | W/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | FLNSOI | FLNS over open ocn and ice | W/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | FLNS | Net longwave flux at surface | W/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | FLNTC | Clearsky net longwave flux at top of model | W/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | FLNT | Net longwave flux at top of model | W/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | FLUTC | Clearsky upwelling longwave flux at top of model | W/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | FLUT | Upwelling longwave flux at top of model | W/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | FSDSC | Clearsky downwelling solar flux at surface | W/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | FSDS | Downwelling solar flux at surface | W/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | FSNSC | Clearsky net solar flux at surface | W/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | FSNSOI | FSNS over open ocn and ice | W/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | FSNS | Net solar flux at surface | W/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | FSNTC | Clearsky net solar flux at top of model | W/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | FSNTOAC | Clearsky net solar flux at top of atmosphere | W/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | FSNTOA | Net solar flux at top of atmosphere | W/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | FSNT | Net solar flux at top of model | W/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | GCLDLWP | Grid-box cloud water path | gram/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | ICEFRAC | Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice | fraction | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | ICLDIWP | In-cloud ice water path | gram/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | ICLDLWP | In-cloud cloud water path (liquid and ice) | gram/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | LANDFRAC | Fraction of sfc area covered by land | fraction | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | LHFLXOI | LHFLX over open ocn and ice | W/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | LHFLX | Surface latent heat flux | W/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | LWCF | Longwave cloud forcing | W/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | OCNFRAC | Fraction of sfc area covered by ocean | fraction | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | OMEGA | Vertical velocity (pressure) | Pa/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | OMEGAT | Vertical heat flux | K Pa/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | PBLH | PBL height | m | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | PDELDRY | Dry pressure difference between levels | Pa | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | PHIS | Surface geopotential | m2/s2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | PRECC | Convective precipitation rate (liq + ice) | m/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | PRECL | Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate (liq + ice) | m/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | PRECSC | Convective snow rate (water equivalent) | m/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | PRECSH | Shallow Convection precipitation rate | m/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | PRECSL | Large-scale (stable) snow rate (water equivalent) | m/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | PRECT | Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice) | m/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | PSDRY | Surface pressure | Pa | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | PSL | Sea level pressure | Pa | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | PS | Surface pressure | Pa | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | QC | Q tendency - shallow convection LW export | kg/kg/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | QFLX | Surface water flux | kg/m2/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | QRL | Longwave heating rate | K/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | QRS | Solar heating rate | K/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | Q | Specific humidity | kg/kg | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | RELHUM | Relative humidity | percent | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | SFCLDICE | CLDICE surface flux | kg/m2/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | SFCLDLIQ | CLDLIQ surface flux | kg/m2/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | SFQ | Q surface flux | kg/m2/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | SHFLXOI | SHFLX over open ocn and ice | W/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | SHFLX | Surface sensible heat flux | W/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | SNOWHICE | Water equivalent snow depth | m | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | SNOWHLND | Water equivalent snow depth | m | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | SOLIN | Solar insolation | W/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | SRFRAD | Net radiative flux at surface | W/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | SWCF | Shortwave cloud forcing | W/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | TAUX | Zonal surface stress | N/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | TAUY | Meridional surface stress | N/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | TGCLDIWP | Total grid-box cloud ice water path | gram/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | TGCLDLWP | Total grid-box cloud liquid water path | gram/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | TMQ | Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water | kg/m2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | TREFHT | Reference height temperature | K | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | TSMN | Minimum surface temperature over output period | K | minimum |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | TSMX | Maximum surface temperature over output period | K | maximum |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | TS | Surface temperature (radiative) | K | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | T | Temperature | K | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | U | Zonal wind | m/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | UU | Zonal velocity squared | m2/s2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | VD01 | Vertical diffusion of Q | kg/kg/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | VQ | Meridional water transport | m/skg/kg | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | V | Meridional wind | m/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | VT | Meridional heat transport | K m/s | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | VU | Meridional flux of zonal momentum | m2/s2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | VV | Meridional velocity squared | m2/s2 | mean |
atm | decavg | cam.h0 | Z3 | Geopotential Height (above sea level) | m | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | CLDHGH | Vertically-integrated high cloud | fraction | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | CLDICE | Grid box averaged cloud ice amount | kg/kg | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | CLDLIQ | Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount | kg/kg | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | CLDLOW | Vertically-integrated low cloud | fraction | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | CLDMED | Vertically-integrated mid-level cloud | fraction | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | CLDTOT | Vertically-integrated total cloud | fraction | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | CLOUD | Cloud fraction | fraction | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | CMFDQR | Q tendency - shallow convection rainout | kg/kg/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | CMFDQ | QV tendency - shallow convection | kg/kg/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | CMFDT | T tendency - shallow convection | K/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | CMFMC | Moist shallow convection mass flux | kg/m2/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | CONCLD | Convective cloud cover | fraction | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | CPLPRCER | Error in precipitation state (rain or snow) sent to coupler | kg/m2/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | CPLRAINC | Convective rainfall sent to coupler | kg/m2/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | CPLRAINL | Large-scale rainfall sent to coupler | kg/m2/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | CPLSNOWC | Convective snowfall sent to coupler | kg/m2/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | CPLSNOWL | Large-scale snowfall sent to coupler | kg/m2/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | DCQ | Q tendency due to moist processes | kg/kg/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | DTCOND | T tendency - moist processes | K/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | DTH | T horizontal diffusive heating | K/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | DTV | T vertical diffusion | K/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | FICE | Fractional ice content within cloud | fraction | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | FLNSC | Clearsky net longwave flux at surface | W/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | FLNSOI | FLNS over open ocn and ice | W/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | FLNS | Net longwave flux at surface | W/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | FLNTC | Clearsky net longwave flux at top of model | W/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | FLNT | Net longwave flux at top of model | W/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | FLUTC | Clearsky upwelling longwave flux at top of model | W/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | FLUT | Upwelling longwave flux at top of model | W/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | frc_day | Portion of time column is lit | None | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | FSDSC | Clearsky downwelling solar flux at surface | W/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | FSDS | Downwelling solar flux at surface | W/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | FSNSC | Clearsky net solar flux at surface | W/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | FSNSOI | FSNS over open ocn and ice | W/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | FSNS | Net solar flux at surface | W/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | FSNTC | Clearsky net solar flux at top of model | W/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | FSNTOAC | Clearsky net solar flux at top of atmosphere | W/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | FSNTOA | Net solar flux at top of atmosphere | W/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | FSNT | Net solar flux at top of model | W/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | GCLDLWP | Grid-box cloud water path | gram/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | ICEFRAC | Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice | fraction | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | ICLDIWP | In-cloud ice water path | gram/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | ICLDLWP | In-cloud cloud water path (liquid and ice) | gram/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | LANDFRAC | Fraction of sfc area covered by land | fraction | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | LHFLXOI | LHFLX over open ocn and ice | W/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | LHFLX | Surface latent heat flux | W/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | LWCF | Longwave cloud forcing | W/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | OCNFRAC | Fraction of sfc area covered by ocean | fraction | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | OMEGA | Vertical velocity (pressure) | Pa/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | OMEGAT | Vertical heat flux | K Pa/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | PBLH | PBL height | m | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | PDELDRY | Dry pressure difference between levels | Pa | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | PHIS | Surface geopotential | m2/s2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | PRECC | Convective precipitation rate (liq + ice) | m/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | PRECL | Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate (liq + ice) | m/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | PRECSC | Convective snow rate (water equivalent) | m/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | PRECSH | Shallow Convection precipitation rate | m/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | PRECSL | Large-scale (stable) snow rate (water equivalent) | m/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | PSDRY | Surface pressure | Pa | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | PSL | Sea level pressure | Pa | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | PS | Surface pressure | Pa | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | QC | Q tendency - shallow convection LW export | kg/kg/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | QFLX | Surface water flux | kg/m2/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | QREFHT | Reference height humidity | kg/kg | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | QRL | Longwave heating rate | K/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | QRS | Solar heating rate | K/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | Q | Specific humidity | kg/kg | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | RELHUM | Relative humidity | percent | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | SFCLDICE | CLDICE surface flux | kg/m2/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | SFCLDLIQ | CLDLIQ surface flux | kg/m2/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | SFQ | Q surface flux | kg/m2/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | SHFLXOI | SHFLX over open ocn and ice | W/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | SHFLX | Surface sensible heat flux | W/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | SNOWHICE | Water equivalent snow depth | m | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | SNOWHLND | Water equivalent snow depth | m | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | SOLIN | Solar insolation | W/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | SOLLD | Solar downward near infrared diffuse to surface | W/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | SOLL | Solar downward near infrared direct to surface | W/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | SOLSD | Solar downward visible diffuse to surface | W/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | SOLS | Solar downward visible direct to surface | W/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | SRFRAD | Net radiative flux at surface | W/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | SWCF | Shortwave cloud forcing | W/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | TAUX | Zonal surface stress | N/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | TAUY | Meridional surface stress | N/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | TGCLDIWP | Total grid-box cloud ice water path | gram/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | TGCLDLWP | Total grid-box cloud liquid water path | gram/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | TMQ | Total (vertically integrated) precipitable water | kg/m2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | TREFHT | Reference height temperature | K | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | TSMN | Minimum surface temperature over output period | K | minimum |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | TSMX | Maximum surface temperature over output period | K | maximum |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | TS | Surface temperature (radiative) | K | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | T | Temperature | K | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | U | Zonal wind | m/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | UU | Zonal velocity squared | m2/s2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | VD01 | Vertical diffusion of Q | kg/kg/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | VQ | Meridional water transport | m/skg/kg | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | V | Meridional wind | m/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | VT | Meridional heat transport | K m/s | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | VU | Meridional flux of zonal momentum | m2/s2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | VV | Meridional velocity squared | m2/s2 | mean |
atm | mon | cam.h0 | Z3 | Geopotential Height (above sea level) | m | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | aice1 | ice area (category 1) | % | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | aice2 | ice area (category 2) | % | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | aice3 | ice area (category 3) | % | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | aice4 | ice area (category 4) | % | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | aice5 | ice area (category 5) | % | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | aice | ice area (aggregate) | % | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | albsni | snw/ice broad band albedo | % | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | alidr | near IR direct albedo | % | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | alvdr | visible direct albedo | % | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | daidtd | area tendency dynamics | %/day | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | daidtt | area tendency thermo | %/day | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | divu | strain rate (divergence) | %/day | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | dvidtd | volume tendency dynamics | cm/day | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | dvidtt | volume tendency thermo | cm/day | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | evap_aice | evaporative water flux | cm/day | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | evap | evaporative water flux (cpl) | cm/day | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | Fhnet_aice | heat flux ice to ocean | W/m^2 | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | Fhnet | heat flux ice to ocn (cpl) | W/m^2 | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | Flat_aice | latent heat flux | W/m^2 | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | Flat | latent heat flux (cpl) | W/m^2 | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | Flwdn | down longwave flux | W/m^2 | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | Flwout_aice | upward longwave flux | W/m^2 | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | Flwout | upward longwave flx (cpl) | W/m^2 | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | frazil | frazil ice growth | cm/day | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | Fresh_aice | frshwtr flx ice to ocn | cm/day | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | Fresh | frshwtr flx ice to ocn (cpl) | cm/day | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | Fsalt_aice | salt flux ice to ocean | kg/m^2/day | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | Fsalt | salt flux ice to ocn (cpl) | kg/m^2/day | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | Fsens_aice | sensible heat flux | W/m^2 | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | Fsens | sensible heat flux (cpl) | W/m^2 | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | Fswabs_aice | snow/ice/ocn absorbed solar flux | W/m^2 | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | Fswabs | snow/ice/ocn absorbed solar flux (cpl) | W/m^2 | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | Fswdn | down solar flux | W/m^2 | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | Fswthru_aice | SW flux thru ice to ocean | W/m^2 | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | Fswthru | SW thru ice to ocean (cpl) | W/m^2 | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | growb | congelation ice growth | cm/day | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | hi | grid cellmean ice thickness | m | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | hs | grid cellmean snow thickness | m | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | ice_present | fraction of time-avg interval that any ice is present | 1 | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | meltb | basal ice melt | cm/day | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | meltl | lateral ice melt | cm/day | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | meltt | top ice melt | cm/day | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | opening | lead area opening rate | %/day | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | Qref | 2m reference specific humidity | g/kg | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | rain_aice | rainfall rate | cm/day | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | rain | rainfall rate (cpl) | cm/day | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | shear | strain rate (shear) | %/day | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | sig1 | norm. principal stress 1 | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | sig2 | norm. principal stress 2 | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | snoice | snow-ice formation | cm/day | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | snow_aice | snowfall rate | cm/day | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | snow | snowfall rate (cpl) | cm/day | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | strairx | atm/ice stress (x) | N/m^2 | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | strairy | atm/ice stress (y) | N/m^2 | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | strcorx | coriolis stress (x) | N/m^2 | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | strcory | coriolis stress (y) | N/m^2 | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | strength | compressive ice strength | N/m | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | strintx | internal ice stress (x) | N/m^2 | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | strinty | internal ice stress (y) | N/m^2 | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | strocnx | ocean/ice stress (x) | N/m^2 | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | strocny | ocean/ice stress (y) | N/m^2 | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | Tref | 2m reference temperature | C | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | Tsfc | snow/ice surface temperature | degC | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | u | ice velocity (x) | cm/s | mean |
ice | decavg | csim.h | v | ice velocity (y) | cm/s | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | AGDD0 | growing degree-days base 0C | K | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | AGDD5 | growing degree-days base 5C | K | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | BTRAN | transpiration beta factor | unitless | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | BURN | fraction of vegetated area burned | fraction | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | CFLUXFIRE | carbon flux to the atmosphere due to fire | grams C/m2 of vegetated area | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | DMI | net primary production | umol/m2s | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | ELAI | exposed one-sided leaf area index | m^2/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | ERRH2O | total water conservation error | mm | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | ERRSEB | surface energy conservation error | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | ERRSOI | soil/lake energy conservation error | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | ERRSOL | solar radiation conservation error | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | ESAI | exposed one-sided stem area index | m^2/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FCEV | canopy evaporation | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FCO2 | net CO2 flux | umol/m2s | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FCTR | canopy transpiration | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FGEV | ground evaporation | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FGR | heat flux into soil/snow including snow melt | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FIRA | net infrared (longwave) radiation | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FIRE | emitted infrared (longwave) radiation | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FLDS | atmospheric longwave radiation | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FMICR | microbial respiration | umol/m2s | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FPCGRID | plant functional type cover | fraction of vegetated area | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FPSN | photosynthesis | umol/m2s | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FRG | growth respiration | umol/m2s | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FRMF | foliage maintenance respiration | umol/m2s | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FRMR | root maintenance respiration | umol/m2s | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FRMS | stem maintenance respiration | umol/m2s | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FSA | absorbed solar radiation | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FSDSNDLN | direct nir incident solar radiation at local noon | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FSDSND | direct nir incident solar radiation | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FSDSNI | diffuse nir incident solar radiation | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FSDS | atmospheric incident solar radiation | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FSDSVDLN | direct vis incident solar radiation at local noon | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FSDSVD | direct vis incident solar radiation | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FSDSVI | diffuse vis incident solar radiation | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FSH_G | sensible heat from ground | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FSH | sensible heat | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FSH_V | sensible heat from veg | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FSM | snow melt heat flux | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FSNO | fraction of ground covered by snow | unitless | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FSRNDLN | direct nir reflected solar radiation at local noon | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FSRND | direct nir reflected solar radiation | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FSRNI | diffuse nir reflected solar radiation | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FSR | reflected solar radiation | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FSRVDLN | direct vis reflected solar radiation at local noon | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FSRVD | direct vis reflected solar radiation | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | FSRVI | diffuse vis reflected solar radiation | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | H2OCAN | intercepted water | mm | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | H2OSNO | snow depth (liquid water) | mm | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | H2OSOI | volumetric soil water (vegetated landunits only) | mm3/mm3 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | HBOT | height of bottom of canopy | m | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | HCIND | heartwood carbon per individual | grams C | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | HTOP | canopy top | m | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | LCIND | leaf carbon per individual | grams C | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | NIND | number of individuals | individuals/m2 vegetated land | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | NPP | net primary production | gC/m^2/s | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | PFT | plant functional type | unitless | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | Q2M | 2m specific humidity | kg/kg | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | QBOT | atmospheric specific humidity | kg/kg | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | QCHANR | RTM river flow | m3/s | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | QCHOCNR | RTM river discharge into ocean | m3/s | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | QDRAI | sub-surface drainage | mm/s | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | QDRIP | throughfall | mm/s | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | QINFL | infiltration | mm/s | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | QINTR | interception | mm/s | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | QMELT | snow melt | mm/s | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | QOVER | surface runoff | mm/s | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | QRGWL | surface runoff at glaciers (liquid only) wetlands lakes | mm/s | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | QSOIL | Ground evaporation (soil/snow evaporation + soil/snow sublimation - dew) | mm/s | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | QVEGE | canopy evaporation | mm/s | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | QVEGT | canopy transpiration | mm/s | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | RAIN | atmospheric rain | mm/s | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | RCIND | root carbon per individual | grams C | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | Rh | annual heterotrophic respiration | grams C/m2 of vegetated area | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | RSSHA | shaded leaf stomatal resistance | s/m | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | RSSUN | sunlit leaf stomatal resistance | s/m | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | SABG | solar rad absorbed by ground | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | SABV | solar rad absorbed by veg | W/m^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | SCIND | stem carbon per individual | grams C | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | SNOWAGE | snow age | unitless | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | SNOWDP | snow height | m | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | SNOWICE | snow ice | kg/m2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | SNOWLIQ | snow liquid water | kg/m2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | SNOW | atmospheric snow | mm/s | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | SOILICE | soil ice (vegetated landunits only) | kg/m2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | SOILLIQ | soil liquid water (vegetated landunits only) | kg/m2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | T10 | 10-day running mean of 2-m temperature | K | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | TAUX | zonal surface stress | kg/m/s^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | TAUY | meridional surface stress | kg/m/s^2 | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | TBOT | atmospheric air temperature | K | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | TDA | daily average 2-m temperature | K | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | TG | ground temperature | K | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | THBOT | atmospheric air potential temperature | K | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | TLAI | total projected leaf area index | none | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | TLAKE | lake temperature | K | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | TREFMNAV | daily minimum of average 2-m temperature | K | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | TREFMXAV | daily maximum of average 2-m temperature | K | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | TSAI | total projected stem area index | none | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | TSA | 2m air temperature | K | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | TSNOW | snow temperature | K | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | TSOI | soil temperature (vegetated landunits only) | K | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | TV | vegetation temperature | K | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | WIND | atmospheric wind velocity magnitude | m/s | mean |
lnd | decavg | clm2.h0 | ZBOT | atmospheric reference height | m | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | ADVS | Vertically-Integrated S Advection Tendency | centimeter gram/kilogram/s | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | ADVT | Vertically-Integrated T Advection Tendency | centimeter degC/s | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | BSF | Diagnostic barotropic streamfunction | Sv | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | EVAP_F | Evaporation Flux from Coupler | kg/m^2/s | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | FW | Freshwater Flux | centimeter/s | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | HBLT | Boundary-Layer Depth | centimeter | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | HDIFS | Vertically Integrated Horz Diff S tendency | centimeter gram/kilogram/s | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | HDIFT | Vertically Integrated Horz Mix T tendency | centimeter degC/s | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | HMXL | Mixed-Layer Depth | centimeter | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | IAGE | Ideal Age | years | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | LWDN_F | Longwave Heat Flux (dn) from Coupler | watt/m^2 | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | LWUP_F | Longwave Heat Flux (up) from Coupler | watt/m^2 | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | MELT_F | Melt Flux from Coupler | kg/m^2/s | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | MELTH_F | Melt Heat Flux from Coupler | watt/m^2 | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | MOC | Meridional Overturning Circulation | Sverdrups | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | N_HEAT | Northward Heat Transport | Pwatt | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | N_SALT | Northward Salt Transport | gram centimeter^3/kg/s | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | PD | Potential Density Ref to Surface | gram/centimeter^3 | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | PREC_F | Precipitation Flux from Cpl (rain+snow) | kg/m^2/s | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | QFLUX | Internal Ocean Heat Flux Due to Ice Formation; heat of fusion >0 or ice-melting potential < 0 | Watts/meter^2 | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | QSW_HBL | Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux in bndry layer | watt/m^2 | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | QSW_HTP | Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux in top layer | watt/m^2 | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | Q | Static Stability (d(rho(p_r))/dz) | gram/centimeter^4 | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | RESID_S | Free-Surface Residual Flux (S) | kg/m^2/s | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | RESID_T | Free-Surface Residual Flux (T) | watt/m^2 | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | RHO | In-Situ Density | gram/centimeter^3 | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | ROFF_F | Runoff Flux from Coupler | kg/m^2/s | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | SALT_F | Salt Flux from Coupler (kg of salt/m^2/s) | kg/m^2/s | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | SALT | Salinity | gram/kilogram | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | SENH_F | Sensible Heat Flux from Coupler | watt/m^2 | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | SFWF | Virtual Salt Flux in FW Flux formulation | kg/m^2/s | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | SHF_QSW | Solar Short-Wave Heat Flux | watt/m^2 | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | SHF | Total Surface Heat Flux Including SW | watt/m^2 | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | SSH | Sea Surface Height | centimeter | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | SU | Vertically Integrated Velocity in grid-x direction | centimeter^2/s | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | SV | Vertically Integrated Velocity in grid-y direction | centimeter^2/s | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | TAUX | Windstress in grid-x direction | dyne/centimeter^2 | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | TAUY | Windstress in grid-y direction | dyne/centimeter^2 | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | TBLT | Minimum Boundary-Layer Depth | centimeter | minimum |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | TEMP | Potential Temperature | degC | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | TFW_S | S flux due to freshwater flux (kg of salt/m^2/s) | kg/m^2/s | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | TFW_T | T flux due to freshwater flux | watt/m^2 | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | TMXL | Minimum Mixed-Layer Depth | centimeter | minimum |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | UES | Salt Flux in grid-x direction | gram/kilogram/s | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | UET | Flux of Heat in grid-x direction | degC/s | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | UVEL | Velocity in grid-x direction | centimeter/s | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | VNS | Salt Flux in grid-y direction | gram/kilogram/s | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | VNT | Flux of Heat in grid-y direction | degC/s | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | VVEL | Velocity in grid-y direction | centimeter/s | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | WTS | Salt Flux Across Top Face | gram/kilogram/s | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | WTT | Heat Flux Across Top Face | degC/s | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | WVEL | Vertical Velocity | centimeter/s | mean |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | XBLT | Maximum Boundary-Layer Depth | centimeter | maximum |
ocn | decavg | pop.h | XMXL | Maximum Mixed-Layer Depth | centimeter | maximum |