The graphic (a snapshot from the animation) depicts the surface temperature increase (relative to the 1870-1899 period) from the average of a set of CCSM3 experiments of the IPCC AR4 SRES A1B (midrange) climate change scenario. The lower panel shows the global average temperature change from the same base period, illustrating the impact of five major volcanic eruptions, as well as the different IPCC AR4 SRES scenarios, Commitment (no changes relative to 2000 in greenhouse gasses), B1 (CO2 level stabilizes at 550 ppm), A1B (CO2 stabilizes at 720 ppm) and A2 (CO2 increases to 840 ppm at 2100).
Meehl, G.A., W.M. Washington, B.D. Santer, W.D. Collins, J.M. Arblaster, A. Hu, D.M. Lawrence, H.Y. Teng, L.E. Buja, and W.G. Strand, 2006: Climate change projections for the twenty-first century and climate change commitment in the CCSM3. Journal of Climate, 19, 2597-2616, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI3746.1
These animations show the same features mentioned above. For the Krakatau and Santa Maria eruptions, the animations "slow down" to show the global cooling caused by these volcanoes. The 800x600 animations are suitable for PowerPoint or Keynote presentations. The 1920x1440 version is high-definition and isn't suitable for standard laptops. These animations are freely available.
Name Size Format Resolution Frame rate Running time 175 MB Quicktime 800x600 30fps 1 min 42 sec
CCSM3_A1B_800x600_30fps.wmv 32 MB Windows 800x600 30fps 1 min 42 sec 180 MB Quicktime 800x600 60fps 51 sec
CCSM3_A1B_800x600_60fps.wmv 109 MB Windows 800x600 60fps 51 sec 196 MB Quicktime 1920x1440 30fps 1 min 42 sec