Configuring the Slab Ocean Model

Subject: Configuring the Slab Ocean Model
From: Jim Rosinski (rosinski@skyhawk.cgd.ucar.EDU)
Date: Fri Mar 28 1997 - 17:16:44 MST

Users who do not run the Slab Ocean Model (SOM) option in CCM3 can ignore
this message.

A user has pointed out a bug in the configuration of the SOM option. The
script "build.makefile" does not construct a Makefile if this option is
chosen. To fix this, just change the 1 line in build.makefile that reads:

set validtype = (std csm)


set validtype = (std csm som)

and everything should work properly. If this proves to be true upon further
testing, the fix will be incorporated in the next release of the model.

Jim Rosinski
CCM Core Group

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