Precision problems with CCM3

Subject: Precision problems with CCM3
From: Carlos Fernandez (
Date: Fri Mar 21 1997 - 02:50:10 MST

Hello CCM users:

I have found differences in the results of CCM3 (CCM3.2) runs on several
machines, and even on the same machine, using different compilation options.

Tested machines are:
- Indigo2 (R10000) with and without -O2, -mips4, -r10000, -32, -64 options
- Indigo2 (R4400) with and without -O2, -mips2, -mips3, -32, -64 options
- Fujitsu VP2400/10 with -Oe or -Ob

The differences are in several parameters, i.e., surface temperature after only
5 days, or even between monthly averages.

My questions are:
- Are there any dataset files of a CCM3.2 run (T21 and T42) tested at NCAR
public available? If yes, how can I get them?
- How can I know if the differences are significant? Is it an unsolved
numerical problem? Has anybody experienced similar problems?

Thanks in advance...

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