
Subject: (none)
From: Gerhard Gross (gery@global.phy.pdx.edu)
Date: Thu Aug 14 1997 - 12:20:07 MDT

Dear CCM users,

Has anyone run CCM3 (or CCM2) on a DEC Alpha using Linux as the
operating system? Or on any machine running Linux?

Thank you very much!


        ---- Earth First! We'll log the other planets later. ----

        X X
        X Gerhard W. Gross Ph.D. X
        X Global Change Research Program X
        X Department of Physics X
        X Portland State University X
        X P.O. Box 751 X
        X Portland, OR 97207-0751, USA X
        X phone: (503) 725-8398 X
        X fax: (503) 725-8550 X
        X email: gery@global.phy.pdx.edu X
        X X

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