Re: Annual Cycle in CCM3.2

Subject: Re: Annual Cycle in CCM3.2
From: Jim Rosinski (
Date: Wed Aug 27 1997 - 10:48:06 MDT

On Wed, 20 Aug 1997, Dan Vimont wrote:

> I'm writing to find out if anyone has run CCM3.2 without the annual cycle.
> It appears as if code modifications need be made in the subroutines
> ccmoce.F, with regards to calculating the next day's ocean albedo; and
> lsm.F, with its associated subroutines. Has anyone run into further
> problems, or does anyone have any advice on this matter?

You are certainly on the right track. I mention with caution that there is a
logical variable "anncyc" which is still in the code, but which we have
purposely disabled from the namelist because we no longer support running CCM
in other than annual cycle mode. But you should be able to glean a sense of
the kind of changes that are necessary to run CCM3 in this fashion. Be
aware, however, that since this option is no longer supported, we can make no
guarantee that setting anncyc=.false. will result in a model which runs the
way you want it to.

Hope this helps.


Jim Rosinski
CCM Core Group

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