Re: appropriate namelist variables for other resolutions than t42.

Subject: Re: appropriate namelist variables for other resolutions than t42.
From: Jeffrey Yin (
Date: Wed Aug 27 1997 - 17:25:09 MDT

Hello Wei--
        I'm not sure if this is something that comes with the CCM3.2 or
if it's something that someone set up here at UW, but I have this program
called 'build.namelist' that sets the diffusion constants for different
resolutions as follows:

switch ( $CCMRES )
  case T5:
    set dif2 = 2.5e7
    set dif4 = 1.e18
  case T21:
  case T31:
  case t31x15:
    set dif2 = 2.5e5
    set dif4 = 2.e16
  case t31x15x10:
    set dif2 = 2.5e5
    set dif4 = 2.e16
  case T42:
    set dif2 = 2.5e5
    set dif4 = 1.e16
    exit 3

As far as timesteps go, DTIME = 1200. is probably safe; someone here ran
the model at T31x15 resolution with 10 levels with DTIME = 1800., but the
model blew up when I tried to run it at T31x15 resolution with 18 levels
with this timestep, so I had to go back to DTIME = 1200. I'm not sure
what EPS is either, but I haven't changed it, and haven't noticed any
        I hope this helps. Good luck!


Jeffrey Yin INTERNET:
685-9524 UUCP: uw-beaver!!jyin
Dept of Atmospheric Sciences
University of Washington, Box 351640

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