Re: perpetual January

Subject: Re: perpetual January
From: Erik Kluzek (
Date: Wed Oct 22 1997 - 08:40:58 MDT

Eric Maloney's message about perpetual January....
> Does anyone know the steps one must take to run the CCM3 in perpetual
> January mode?

CCM1 used to have a namelist option that allowed you to run in either
perpetual January mode or perpetual July. One of the input variables to do
this ANNCYC is still running around in ccm3, but isn't supported so undoubtably
it's broken. So even if you set it it's not likely to do what you want it to
do. Anyway, to run in perpetual January, you are going to have to make a bunch
of code modifications to take out the cycling of season. Basically that means
taking out the cycling for ozone, SST, and orbit. You may be able to accomplish
this goal quickly by changing "calendr.F" so that the date and calday do not
advance. But, you'd want to check that you get the desired effect in the read of
the ozone and SST's dataset's as well as the orbit in "radini.F". You'd also
want to make sure you start from a January initial data-set rather than our
standard September 1 dataset.


Erik Kluzek, (CGD at NCAR)
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Boulder CO, (off) (303)497-1326 (fax) (303)497-1324

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