CCM3 datasets...

Subject: CCM3 datasets...
From: Tercio Ambrizzi (
Date: Fri Nov 07 1997 - 12:06:07 MST

Dear CCM3-users,

In order to validate some long runs I've done with the CCM3.2, I've got the
CCM3 T42 15 - Year (79-93)AMIP-SST Simulation data from /ACKER/ directory.
However I tried to convert the Cray AMIP-SST data simulation to Sun binary
ieee data and it seems that the header of this dataset is zeros and I could
not read the data. Does someone have any fortran program to read this dataset?
Has someone found the same problem? I would appreciate any suggestions about

Regards to all

Tercio Ambrizzi / Victor Magana
USP-Brazil / UNAM-Mexico

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