Input datasets for Slab Ocean Model

Subject: Input datasets for Slab Ocean Model
Date: Wed Nov 19 1997 - 09:51:50 MST

Dear CCM users,

I am interested in running the CCM3 with
the slab ocean model (SOM). According to
the User's Guide, p.49 and 91, this is
easy, but requires special versions of
the initial and boundary datasets.

Unfortunately it is not obvious how to get
hold of those datasets. I didn't find them
on the web-site, e.g., the web-page
only contains datasets for climatological SSTs
(standard setup).

Furthermore, according to FAQ #10 on the
CCM3 web-site Gerhard Gross had the same
problem back in March and there was a suggestion that
maybe the SOM input datafiles are unavailable to the public.

Does anyone know how to get hold of those files?

Thanks in advance,
Jon Egill Kristjansson
University of Oslo, Norway

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