from Peng Shiqiu

Subject: from Peng Shiqiu
Date: Tue Dec 09 1997 - 04:36:06 MST

Dear CCM3-users,

I'm trying to porting ccm3.2 (T42) to PC(Pentium II, memory 192M,hard disk space
6.4G),by using the Powerstation 4.0 compiler. I removed all the pointer
statements and it passed through compiling and linking and it can run. But when
it run to the NSTEP=308, it encountered one error:sqrt(-XXX) in the subroutine
flxoce.F (exactly in the line:rdn=sqrt(cdn(u10n)) ) and it stoped there. Does
anybody encounter this problem and know how to deal with it?Thank you in

Shiqiu Peng

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