Re: SOM datasets

Subject: Re: SOM datasets
From: Erik Kluzek (
Date: Thu Dec 11 1997 - 12:03:39 MST

> I am interested in obtaining the special initial condition and boundary
> datasets needed for running the ccm3 with the Slab Ocean Model. Does
> anyone know where I might be a able to find such datasets in IEEE (or
> other) format?

At NCAR you will find the T5 version of the datasets in


Or on MASS-STORE at...


which has a readme file associated with the datasets...



If you download the datasets off the website

You'll also get the data...

The ncar ftp site

cd ccm

Also has the datasets.


Erik Kluzek, (CGD at NCAR)
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Boulder CO, (off) (303)497-1326 (fax) (303)497-1324

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