Re: Successful Porting

Subject: Re: Successful Porting
From: Nicholas Strugnell (
Date: Mon Dec 15 1997 - 06:17:25 MST

On Sun, 14 Dec 1997 Shiqiu Peng <> wrote:

> I met with success in porting the CCM3 to PC machine(Pentium II with 233Hz )
> yesterday! Now it can run forward smoothly with the speed of running through

Congratulations - now if you can get accesss to a Beowulf Class Linux
machine ( that
would really fly....


Nicholas Strugnell | Phone (Office): +1 (617) 353-8031
Center for Remote Sensing | Phone (Home): +1 (617) 441-0750
Boston University | Fax: +1 (617) 353-8399
725 Commonwealth Avenue | E-Mail:
Boston, MA 02215-1401, USA | WWW: TBA

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