pairing of line plots using CCM processor.

Subject: pairing of line plots using CCM processor.
From: Wei Cheng (
Date: Mon Dec 29 1997 - 15:20:23 MST

Hello all,

Does anyone one know how to put several curves in one plot
using CCM processor? For example, suppose we want to plot
meridional heat flux vs. latitude, and we want to put several
cases together in one plot, is there a way to achieve this?

I consulted CCM Processor User's Guide (NCAR/TN-384) and the only
ICPs I could find related to line plot pairing option is TSPFNPn,
it deals with time series plotting, and seems to me it can
only put TWO curves together (please correct me if I am wrong).
But sometimes we would like to put more than two curves in one
plot. If the default Processor can't do this, is there any other
way? Could we save the processed data (e.g., meridional heat flux
at some latitudes, not just the horizontal slice) for our
own plotting programs? I would highly appreciate any of your

And, Happy New Year, everybody!

Wei Cheng
Univ. of Miami/RSMAS/MPO

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