Re: Speed on SGI IRIX 5.3

Subject: Re: Speed on SGI IRIX 5.3
From: Jim Rosinski (
Date: Sun Jan 04 1998 - 20:15:25 MST

On Sat, 3 Jan 1998, Jinliang Liu wrote:

> I am running CCM3 with resolution of T42 coupled with LSM on a SGI IRIX 5.3.
> The execution speed seems too slow, say 40h for a one-month simulation.
> Could any of you tell me if this is normal. Also, could you tell me that,
> is it possible for me to speed the execution by adding any other options
> in the next compiling command lines

"IRIX 5.3" just describes the OS release, it doesn't say anything about
processor speed. The command "hinv" gives this information.

40 CPU hours / 30 simulation days translates to about 15 Mflops for CCM3.
This is pretty crummy for any modern-day processor. On NCAR's SGI PC w/195
MHz R10K processors, CCM3 runs at around 80 Mflops on a single CPU.

You should get some speedup going to -O3, but you *must* compile radclw.F no
higher than -O2 or you will get wrong answers. Good luck.


Jim Rosinski
CCM Core Group

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