on the vertical coordinate of the CCM3

Subject: on the vertical coordinate of the CCM3
From: Chul Chung (eddy@metosrv2.umd.edu)
Date: Sun Jan 18 1998 - 18:26:14 MST

      Dear CCM3 users:
   I am recently engaged in analyzing the CCM3 simulation data set. This
data set was obtained by running the CCM3 (T42, 18 levels) with the
prescribed NMC SST (1949-1995) at NCAR and are now under the directory of
/JEFF at MSS. I encountered a difficulty while converting some variables
to those on the pressure coordinate system.
   The CCM3 documentation says that the model is based upon the hybrid
coordinate in the vertical, which means that low layers use the sigma
coordiante, upper layers use the pressure coordinate, and the layers in
between use the combination. However the CCM3 documentation does not
provide sufficient information for me to reconstruct the model output on the
pressure coordinate system. Anyone having intended a similar analysis
would've faced the same problem. What I need to know are the following.
   a) Of 18 layers, what layers are under the pure sigma coordinate? And
what are the sigma values corresponding to each layer?
   b) Of 18 layers, what layers are under the pure pressure coordinate?
And what are the pressure values corresponding to each layer?
   c) Regarding the layers under the hybrid coordinate, what are the
sigma and pressure values corresponding to each layer?

  I am surprised that I couldn't find enough information from the
several-hundred-page long CCM3 documentation. Perhaps these answers could be
found in the code, but it is my hoping to more quickly get the answers from
the CCM users.

p.s.: I also checked all the previous CCM3-user emails on the website.

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