Subject: Re: different land/ocean masks in CCM?
From: Matthew Huber (
Date: Thu Jun 18 1998 - 14:55:15 MDT
If PHIS is changed, SGH should be changed (which requires making
some assumptions). And just to be clear we're talking about going in and
editing the input data set, say doing "ncdump >oldinput.txt;
change ORO in oldinput.txt; ncgen -o newinput.txt;".
Make sure you check all the ccmi* initial fields and make sure
they're commensurate, otherwise you'll be putting in mountains where you
have no land.
On Thu, 18 Jun 1998, Carlos Fernandez wrote:
> Hi Terry,
> As far as I know, there is no problem in changing the land/ocean masks. The
> only thing you have to do is to edit the ORO field, which specifies the surface
> type. Maybe you also want to edit the PHIS (surface geopotencial) field. If you
> increase the land areas in the CCM3 you will also need to edit the lsm initial
> datasets (to specify a vegetation type)
> Does anybody in the ccm-group know if anything else needs to be changed?
> Good luck, Terry!
> On Jun 17, 2:30pm, Terry R Guilinger wrote:
> > Subject: different land/ocean masks in CCM?
> >
> > Does the CCM3 allow for land/ocean masks different from the modern
> > configuration? This feature is available in Genesis and I wondered if
> > it also exists in CCM1, CCM2, or CCM3.
> >
> > Terry Guilinger
> >
> > Sandia National Laboratories
> > 505-845-9043
> >-- End of excerpt from Terry R Guilinger
> --
> +-----------------------------------------------------+
> | Carlos Fernandez Sanchez |
> | |
> | Centro de Supercomputacion de Galicia (CESGA) |
> | Avda. de Vigo s/n., Campus Universitario |
> | 15706 - Santiago de Compostela (SPAIN) |
> | Ph. +34 981 594500 Fax +34 981 594616 |
> +-----------------------------------------------------+
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