Re: CCM3 on SUN work station?

Subject: Re: CCM3 on SUN work station?
From: Philip Mote (
Date: Mon Jul 13 1998 - 11:27:28 MDT


> Does anyone run ccm3 on SUN work station? What is the specific requirement
> for CPU, RAM, Hard Disk Space, Versions for fortran and C compiler, and
> other software environment? How about run time for one simulation year?

at the recent NATO ASI on climate modelling we ran the CCM3 at medium
resolution (T31 truncated to 15 meridional wavenumbers) on a Sun Ultra
with 128Mb of memory and 1Gb disk. At this resolution one year took about
18 hours, in those rare cases when runs were not interrupted by full disk,
thunderstorms, someone inadvertently turning off the power at the wall,
etc. In considering hardware requirements I would pay special attention
to getting lots of disk space, especially if you want to do higher
resolution runs.

                    Philip Mote, PhD
                  Climate Impacts Group
Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean
          Box 354235, University of Washington ===============
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                     (206) 616-5346 \\\\\\\ ZZ
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