Re: ccm3 on LINUX?

Subject: Re: ccm3 on LINUX?
From: Fei Liu (
Date: Mon Aug 24 1998 - 11:33:01 MDT

Hi, there:

        To run ccm3 on Linux, you need to do the following preparation
without hoping for ensured success. 1) Set up your Linux box properly,
including a decent c compiler and netCDF library. 2) Get a commercial copy
of Portland Fortran which supports Cray F90 syntax, to say least, the
pointer/space syntax. 3) Experiment with it.

        If I am wrong, please let me know about it.


 * | WWW: *
  * (410)889-9876(H) | Johns Hopkins Univ. | (410)516-4236(O) *

Linux is good, but Solaris is better.

On Mon, 24 Aug 1998, YOGESH SHARMA wrote:

> I am new user of ccm3 . I want to setup ccm3 on LINUX architecture . > What are the necessary steps I will have to take ? > If anybody can help me . Thanks in advance . > > ______________________________________________________ > Get Your Private, Free Email at >

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