missing fields in CCM3.6

Subject: missing fields in CCM3.6
From: Ian Kraucunas (ian@atmos.washington.edu)
Date: Thu Sep 03 1998 - 16:32:48 MDT

I am running CCM3.6 on a Sun workstation in dom/eul mode, and I would like
to add the following fields to the history file: "HA01", the horizontal
advection tendency of water vapor, and "VA01", the vertical advection
tendency of water vapor. Both of these fields are ostensibly contained in
the Master Field List. However, I cannot find the "outfld" calls for these
particular variables anywhere in the source code to uncomment them (as
discussed in the CCM User's Guide, Section 4.2). Thus "HA01" and "VA01"
are included on my history file, but they are blank.

Apparently there is not any code included with the model for the
computation of "hadvnam(1)" or "vadvnam(1)" (these are the variable names
associated with the fields "HA01" and "VA01", respectively). Does anyone
have any code written to perform this calculation?

Ian P. Kraucunas <ian@atmos.washington.edu>
Department of Atmospheric Sciences 206/543-0333
University of Washington, Box 351640 206/543-0308 (fax)
Seattle, WA 98195

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