Re: Year 68 Virus

Subject: Re: Year 68 Virus
From: Jim Rosinski (
Date: Mon Sep 14 1998 - 15:44:13 MDT

CCM Users;

We have come up with a fix for the "68 year" problem originally brought up by
Kevin Werner. The problem he encountered (on a SUN) was that 32-bit integer
computations would overflow at approximately year 68 of the simulation in the
routine which computes calendar day information. The fix involves a few
lines of changes to the routine calendr.F in CCM3.6 (and CCM3.6.6). A few of
the computations are now forced to be done using 64-bit integer arithmetic.
We have tested the fix on all platforms on which the CCM is supported and
gotten bit-for-bit answers as compared to the old code (for a one-day run).
An offline driver test was run out to 7000 years of simulation and no
problems were found.

The fix we are providing applies to CCM3.6 and CCM3.6.6. The modified code
is appended to the end of this mail message, and is also available on the
CCM3 news page:
For those who wish to retrofit the changes into
CCM3.2, you will need to change caldyi.F in addition to calendr.F.

Please let us know if you encounter further problems.


Jim Rosinski
CCM Core Group

-----------------------------Cut Here-----------------------------------------

#include <misc.h>
      subroutine calendr(nstep ,dtime ,mdbase ,msbase ,mbdate ,
     & mbsec ,mdcur ,mscur ,mcdate ,mcsec ,
     & calday )
! Compute current date and day information for history tape header.
! Compute current julian day (including fraction) for sun angle
! computations and time interpolation of boundary dataset information.
! One year is defined as 365 days.
! Computational notes:
! 86400 is the number of seconds in 1 day.
! Dividing an integer by 10**n has the effect of right-shifting the
! decimal digits n positions (ex: 861231/100 = 008612).
! mod(integer,10**n) has the effect of extracting the rightmost
! n decimal digits of the integer (ex: mod(861231,10000) = 1231).
!---------------------------Code history--------------------------------
! Original version: J. Rosinski
! Standardized: J. Rosinski, June 1992
! Reviewed: J. Kiehl, B. Boville, August 1992
! Reviewed: J. Kiehl, April 1996
! Reviewed: B. Boville, April 1996
! $Id: calendr.F,v 1.5 1998/09/14 20:46:44 rosinski Exp $
! $Author: rosinski $
      implicit none
! Input arguments
      integer nstep ! current time step (0, 1, ...)
      real dtime ! length of time step (seconds)
      integer mdbase ! base day of run (e.g., 0)
      integer msbase ! base seconds of base day (e.g., 0)
      integer mbdate ! base date (yyyymmdd format) of run (e.g., 000901)
      integer mbsec ! base seconds of base date (e.g., 0)
! Output arguments
      integer mdcur ! current day (0, 1, ...)
      integer mscur ! current seconds of current day (0, ..., 86400)
      integer mcdate ! current date (yyyymmdd format) (e.g., 021105)
      integer mcsec ! current seconds of current date (0, ..., 86400)
      real calday ! current julian day including fraction
!---------------------------Local workspace-----------------------------
      integer*8 nstep8 ! current time step (0, 1, ...)
      integer*8 nsecs ! run time in seconds
      integer ndays ! ndays + nyears = number of day changes since start
      integer nyears ! ndays + nyears = number of day changes since start
      integer mcyear ! current year of current date (0-99)
      integer mcmnth ! current month of current date (1-12)
      integer mcday ! current day of current date (1-31)
      integer jday ! Julian day (1-365)
      integer mbmnth ! base month (1-12) validity check
      integer mbday ! base day of base date (1-31) validity check
      integer ndm(12) ! number of days per month
      integer jdcon(12) ! convert month index to julian day
      integer*8 nspdy ! number of seconds per day
      parameter (nspdy=86400)
      save ndm,jdcon
      data ndm/31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/
      data jdcon/0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334/
      nstep8 = nstep
! Check validity of input data
      mbmnth = mod(mbdate,10000)/100
      mbday = mod(mbdate,100)
      if ( .or. then
        write(6,*)' CALENDR: Invalid base month input:',mbmnth
        call endrun
      end if
      if ( .or. then
        write(6,*)' CALENDR: Invalid base day of base date input:',mbday
        call endrun
      end if
      if ( .or. then
        write(6,*)' CALENDR: Invalid base seconds(msbase):',msbase
        call endrun
      end if
      if ( .or. then
        write(6,*)' CALENDR: Invalid base seconds(mbsec):',mbsec
        call endrun
      end if
      nsecs = nstep8*nint(dtime)
! First: current day, seconds
      mdcur = mdbase + (nsecs+msbase)/nspdy
      mscur = mod((nsecs+msbase),nspdy)
! Next: current date, seconds.
! Uncommenting the next line will have the effect of modifying
! nsecs to include base day and base seconds. This is the way
! the current date was computed in CCM1.
! nsecs = nsecs + mdbase*nspdy + msbase

      ndays = (nsecs+mbsec)/nspdy
      nyears = ndays/365
      ndays = mod(ndays,365)
! Current seconds of current date
      mcsec = mod(nsecs+mbsec,nspdy)
! Initialize current year, month, day.
      mcyear = mbdate/10000 + nyears
      mcmnth = mod(mbdate,10000)/100
      mcday = mod(mbdate,100) + ndays
! Now loop through months, converting yyyy, mm, and ddd to yyyymmdd.
! ex: 791235 becomes 800104. 190001370 becomes 19010105.
   10 if ( then
        mcday = mcday - ndm(mcmnth)
        mcmnth = mcmnth + 1
        if (mcmnth.eq.13) then ! add a year
          mcyear = mcyear + 1
          mcmnth = 1
        end if
        go to 10
      end if
      mcdate = mcyear*10000 + mcmnth*100 + mcday
! Convert current month, day, seconds to Julian day + fraction. Multiply
! nspdy by floating point 1 in order to ensure real*8 arithmetic. As of
! 9/14/98 this only makes a difference on Linux.
      jday = jdcon(mcmnth) + mcday
      calday = float(jday) + float(mcsec)/(1.*nspdy)


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