Re: Data Land Model

Subject: Re: Data Land Model
From: Erik Kluzek (
Date: Mon Sep 21 1998 - 14:12:26 MDT

Kevin Warner asked about the "data land model" in CCM3.6...

> I am attempting to run the CCM3.6 with climatological values for the
> quantities that the land surface model computes. I know there is a data
> land model that can be used with the CSM through the flux coupler. Is it
> possible to couple it directly to the CCM3.6?

In short -- No.

For a longer answer continue. The data (or dummy) land model was developed
solely for the purpose of use within the CSM context. As such it recieves
and sends data to the flux coupler via. MPI message passing. It was never
configured to run in a "stand-alone" type mode. However, if you are willing
to go through considerable pain and anguish you could adapt the data land
model to have a LSM-type interface. However, I'd recommend just running
through the flux-coupler, before you resort to that drastic step.

The latest version of CSM (1.2) is available on the web from...

this includes a copy of the latest public release of the CCM -- CCM3.6.6.
There isn't much documentation, but the distribution has some scripts you
can use to see how to set things up. There is documentation on the
flux coupler, and lsm has some documentation on using LSM in the CSM context.
Using CCM in the flux coupled mode does require quite a bit of retraining
and learning a different way of doing things. But, it's far easier to
do this than to try to retrofit "dlnd" into the CCM...


Erik Kluzek, (CGD at NCAR)
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Boulder CO, (off) (303)497-1326 (fax) (303)497-1324

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