Re: ccm history file

Subject: Re: ccm history file
From: Brian Eaton (
Date: Mon Nov 02 1998 - 16:08:05 MST

ccm2nc has an option, "-xz" that can be used to produce the
(time, lat, lev, lon) ordering required by the CCM.

Brian Eaton

> Hi ccm3 users,
> I wanted to use the history files produced by ccm as initial condition for
> a new run. I used the ccm2nc utility to convert the binary file ccmi.......
> to a netcdf file. However, I notice that the variables U, V, T, and Q are
> stored
> in (time, lev, lat, lon) order and the code crashes. But the example file
> from the web has these variables in (time, lat, lev, lon)
> order. Is there any ready-made utility, like ccm2nc, which will give the right
> order?
> Bala
> -------------------------------------------
> Bala Govindasamy
> L-103, LLNL
> Livermore, CA 94550
> Ph: 925-423-0771
> fax: 925-422-6388
> -------------------------------------------

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