Re: data conversion between UTE and OURAY

Subject: Re: data conversion between UTE and OURAY
From: Brian Eaton (
Date: Wed Nov 11 1998 - 14:38:27 MST

ccm2nc running on any of the SGI machines can convert CCM history files
that were created on any of the CRAYs to netCDF, and vice versa. ccm2nc
looks at the input CCM history file and determines whether the floating
point format is cray, ieee float, or ieee double, and then converts that
format to the one of the machine on which ccm2nc is running.

On the NCAR machines ccm2nc is located in the following places:

on antero use:

on aztec, chipeta, ouray, or paiute:

on ute:

on winterpark:

There is also a manpage for ccm2nc that can be see with the command
"man -M /fs/cgd/csm/man ccm2nc"

Brian Eaton
NCAR, Climate and Global Dynamics
P.O.Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307

> Dear ccm-users,
> Does anybody know if the CCM history tapes generated by OURAY can be
> directly processed using tools like ccm2nc on UTE, or vice versa, without any
> extra manipulation on data conversion? This could happen if the computer
> time on one machine is used up and I have to rely on the other machine to
> do the post-processing. If a data conversion is necessary
> prior to the application of ccm2nc, can anybody provide a hint on how to
> deal with it? Could the history tapes written to MSS be identical, even though
> they are generated by different NCAR machines?
> Thank you very much!
> Wuyin Lin
> SUNY Stony Brook

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