CCM formatted SST dataset as b.c.

Subject: CCM formatted SST dataset as b.c.
From: Jan Dutton (
Date: Mon Nov 30 1998 - 14:25:39 MST


I am writing to ask if a CCM history formated SST dataset
can be used as the lower boundary condition
(when properly reformated as a netCDF dataset) for
a ccm.3.6 run.

I am trying to use an SST dataset obtained from the MSS in
the BNDTVS namelist parameter for a T31 ccm.3.6 run.

The error message

SSTINI: Failed to find dates bracketing mcdate, mcsec= 19680901, 0

is written in stdout.

In the namelists I have specified
NCDATA = '/localdir/'
BNDTVS = 'localdir/'
SSTCYC = .False.

As can be seen from above, I am specifying the start as 19680901.

The dataset is at /JEFF/sst-monthly/ccm3/nmc/T42.Dec1949-May1995
NCAR system. It is a monthly average time variant dataset from
December of 1949 to May of 1995.

I execuited the following process to make the CCM formated dataset
an netCDF dataset.

executed 'ccm2nc -r8 -C T42.Dec1949-May1995'
to create the netCDF dataset.

executed 'interpsst -x 96 -y 48'
to interpolate the SST data to T31.

executed 'definesurf -t /localdir/'
to rewrite the ORO data.

A few points:

1) The model successfully runs for 1 day when I use the NCAR supplied
dataset (interpolated to T31) in BNDTVS. The model
start date was 19850901.

2) an 'ncdump -v date' indicates that the dates exist
in the datafile

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Jan Dutton
Jan F. Dutton
The EMS Environment Institute
University Park, PA 16801

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