Re: SST Grid

Subject: Re: SST Grid
From: Erik Kluzek (
Date: Thu Jan 21 1999 - 13:09:15 MST

Regarding Robert Boucher's message...

> We are in the process of trying to put current data into the CCM and I
> have a question about the Sea Surface Temp file. Specifically how does
> the file deal with grid points over land. Is there a specific value
> that any grid point over land has to be set to or is there some other
> method that is used to deal with this problem? Any help would be
> greatly appreciated.

No there isn't a specific value used over land. As a matter of fact for the
datasets that we distribute you'll notice that the SST's are interpolated
over land. The model uses the ORO field from the initial dataset to distinguish
land from ocean points. For a stand-alone CCM3 run (ie. not run through the
CSM flux coupler) the model doesn't use SST data over land-points, so you can
set the SST over land to any value you want.


Erik Kluzek, (CGD at NCAR)
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Boulder CO, (off) (303)497-1326 (fax) (303)497-1324

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