Re: perl

Subject: Re: perl
From: Brian Eaton (
Date: Thu Jan 28 1999 - 08:05:17 MST

Hi Yong Luo,

In case you don't get a working version of makdep I would like to point out
that makdep is not required for building the CCM. The dependency list
generated by makdep is only needed if you change some source code after you
have already built CCM3 and you want make to recompile the *minimun* number
of files required to successfully rebuild the executable. But it is always
possible to remove all the .o files and rebuild the model from scratch in
which case the dependencies file is unnecessary.

Brian Eaton
NCAR, Climate Modeling Section
Boulder, CO

> Dear CCM users,
> We are going to run CCM3 on CRAY EL98. However, this CRAY machine is too =
> old not to support perl. Is there anybody who has the makdep in kshell? =
> Thanks in advance.
> Yong Luo
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Yong Luo, Ph.D. 46 Baishiqiao Road, Haidian
> Associate Professor Beijing 100081, China
> Laboratory for Climate Studies FAX: (8610)62176804
> National Climate Center TEL: (8610)68408508 or 66800014
> China Meteorological Administration E-mail:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

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