SubSurface Temps

Subject: SubSurface Temps
From: Mark Gibbas (mjgibbas@TASC.Com)
Date: Fri Jan 29 1999 - 13:27:07 MST


When it come to building a data set to initialize the CCM, atmospheric
and oceanic data are fairly easy to obtain and input, but does anyone
have any insight as to how to go about obtaining or creating values for
the subsurface temperatures (TS2, TS3, & TS4) ?



Mark Gibbas MTS/Meteorologist Litton-TASC 55 Walkers Brook Drive Reading MA 01867

Office: 1-781-942-2000 x3188 Lab: 1-781-942-2000 x3105 Fax: 1-781-942-2571

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