Monthly averaging

Subject: Monthly averaging
From: Sheo S. Prasad (
Date: Tue Feb 16 1999 - 23:26:48 MST

Dear Colleagues:

I will appreciate help in understanding the following problems related
with monthly averaging.

(1) How is the monthly averaging actually done consistent with the fact
that the length of the months varies from month to month to be
consistent with the assumed 365 days per year?
(2) Do I have to start with the first of the month and run a given run
for full 28, 30 or 31 days for the monthly averaging to make sense? In
other words, does it make any sense to do a starter run for (say) 20
days (i.e., up to 20th September) with default averaging over the
previous 24 hours and then do restart run lasting for 30 days asking
this time a monthly averaging? I am not sure, since the restart run will
cover 21 Sep to 20 Oct, and averaging over them would be no monthly
(3) If I do a monthly averaging then will there be one history file and
one restart file set for each month, i.e., the history files or the
restart file sets will not be written till the full 28, 30 or 31 days
are completed?

Best regards.

(Sheo S. Prasad)
Website URL:
Phone: 925/426-9341; Fax: 925/426-9417

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