No more memory available

Subject: No more memory available
From: 9583238 (
Date: Wed Mar 10 1999 - 04:42:50 MST

I have installed ccm3.6.6 to CRAYT3E, and met some error messages which is hard to figure out.
If anyone have experienced with this, I need your help.

Here is the error messages,
 (GETFIL): attempting to find local file
 (GETFIL): using /kma/i002kma/csd/moon/ccm/bld/../data/
 INITEXT: NCOPN returns id 4391250560 for file /kma/i002kma/csd/moon/ccm/bld/.
 SSTINI: Read sst data for dates 816, 0 and 915, 0
 GETMEM from INTHT : Bad return code = -2
 No more memory available
SIGNAL: Abort ( from process 15903 )

 Beginning of Traceback (PE 0):
  Interrupt at address 0x8001bd450 in routine '_lwp_kill'.
  Called from line 30 (address 0x8001bc6f0) in routine 'raise'.
  Called from line 127 (address 0x800192220) in routine 'abort'.
  Called from line 56 (address 0x800230400) in routine 'ABORT'.
  Called from line 21 (address 0x800036488) in routine 'ENDRUN'.
  Called from line 48 (address 0x8000425b8) in routine 'GETMEM'.
  Called from line 663 (address 0x80007ed30) in routine 'INTHT'.
  Called from line 408 (address 0x800016adc) in routine 'CCM3'.
  Called from line 475 (address 0x800000c98) in routine '$START$'.
 End of Traceback.

  I have increased memory to 900Mw, but it was useless.
  I'll wait for your comments.
 Ja-Yeon Moon
 Department of Atmospheric Sciences,
 Pusan National University

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