Re: CCM3 on IBM/RS-6000 machines?

Subject: Re: CCM3 on IBM/RS-6000 machines?
From: Jim Rosinski (
Date: Fri Mar 26 1999 - 14:27:16 MST

On Wed, 24 Mar 1999, wangguo wrote:

> Hello ccm3-users,
> I successfully build the ccm3.0 executable on our IBM RS/6000
> (RAM:128MB X 8), but I cannot run the model, because it crashes shortly afte
> r printing :
> The problem reported is a segmentation fault.
> I would be happy if somebody found the time to let me know about his or her
> experiences with running the ccm3 code on IBM RS/6000 machines.

The first things I would check are:

1) is your stack memory limit sufficient?,
2) are you promoting "real" declarations to "real*8"?
3) is the netcdf library you're loading with compatible with the real and
   integer sizes in the model code?

Hope this helps.


Jim Rosinski
CCM Core Group

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