Stdio problem in Beowulf machine

Subject: Stdio problem in Beowulf machine
From: Andres CALDERON (
Date: Fri Apr 16 1999 - 10:25:48 MDT


We've compiled and run CCM3.6 over a single processor Lintel machine,
using Portland Group compilers.
Now, we've compiled SPMD version using MPICH and we're trying
to run it over a two processor ( cross-over cable ) Beowulf machine,
but there's an error message about stdio and stdout :

> (GETFIL): attempting to find local file
> (GETFIL): using /ccm3.6/ccm/bld/../data/
> .INITEXT: NCOPN returns id 7 for file
> /ccm3.6/ccm/bld/.PGFIO/stdio: Resource temporarily unavailable
>PGFIO-F-/list-directed write/unit=6/error code returned by host stdio -
> File name = stdout formatted, sequential access record = 311
> In source file /ccm3.6/ccm/bld/../src/lsm/lsmctli.F, at line number
> (GETFIL): attempting to find local file
> (GETFIL): using /ccm3.6/ccm/bld/../data/

It seems to be a message generated from the compiler, but we really
don't know.

Any ideas will be greatly appreciated, thanks,

Fernando Vega
IDEAM - Colombia

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