Initial run CCM3.6.6 on NCAR computer

Subject: Initial run CCM3.6.6 on NCAR computer
Date: Wed May 19 1999 - 15:18:27 MDT

   I just begin to run CCM36.6 on NCAR computer by using build.cray_ncar.csh. The following problem blocks my work.
   In compile_log.atm, there are lots "@" following rm zmid.f. Such as:
rm zint.f
rm zmid.f

 Program Statistics
 Non-segmented object module written to- /tmp/syi/run/atm
 Allocation order- text,data,bss
 Program origin- 0 octal 0 decimal
 Program length- 72446351 octal 15355113 decimal
 Start entry point is '$START' at address 10a
 Transfer is to entry point 'CCM3' at address 25354d
In atm.log.4832
No such device: atm

I don't know why cnanot run atm. Any suggestion will be appreciated!

Thank you!
Yi Song

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