Re: running CCM3.6.6

Subject: Re: running CCM3.6.6
From: Ana Gusmao (
Date: Mon Jul 26 1999 - 05:57:11 MDT

On Sat, 24 Jul 1999, Magic Man wrote:

> Dear users,

  Hi Manuel,

  I've using the netcdf 3.4a in an Oringin 200,
  It is important to be sure that fortran is compiling
  in 64 bits, if you compiled version is in 64 bits.
  To be sure about this in SGI compilers use the
  command: crayon $ file /bin/ls

  To install the netcdf I've followed up the following steps:

  1 - Create and enviroment variable:
      setenv SGI_ABI "-64"
  2 - Go to netcdf-3.4a/src run the /.configure
  3 - make
  4 - make test
  5 - make install

   I hope it helps.

   GOOD LUCK !!!!!
                         ((( ))) >o<
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 ____ (-(o) (o)-) ___
(____)______________oOOO___<0>_OOOo________________ ( )
 | | Ana Maria Gusmao | |
 | | | |
 | | Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP) | |
 | | Instituto Astronomico e Geofisico (IAG) | |
 | | Dep. de Ciencias Atmosfericas (DCA) | |
 | | E-Mail: | |
 | | DCA/IAG/USP - Rua do Matao 1226, | |
 | | CEP 05508-900 SP/SP, Brasil | |
 | | (055)(021)(011)8184713 | |
 | | 8184714 --> fax | |
 | |" Nossas duvidas sao traidoras e nos fazem per- | |
 | | der o que, com frequencia, poderiamos ganhar, | |
 | | por simples medo de arriscar. " | |
 | | Shakespeare. | |
(____) Oooo. (____)
                     .oooO ( )
                     ( ) ) /
                      \ ( (_/
                       ( )

> While compiling CCM3.6.6 on a Cray ORIGIN 2000
> under Irix64 6.5 (8 CPU's), gnumake 3.77 and
> netCDF 3.44. we get the following compilation
> problem.
> "/usr/inv/aqi/ccm/bld/../src/control/wrapup.F", line 241: error(2255):
> expected an I/O keyword
> $ position='APPEND',form='UNFORMATTED',
> ^
> 1 error detected in the compilation of
> "/usr/inv/aqi/ccm/bld/../src/control/wrapup.F".
> gnumake: *** [wrapup.o] Error 2
> gnumake: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
> We are a bit ignorant of the fortran compilation
> although it doesnt look like a very frightful
> error message but we would appreciate any help
> with this tiny problem.
> Thanks
> Manuel Gonzalez
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