Re: creating output files on an ORIGIN2000

Subject: Re: creating output files on an ORIGIN2000
From: Didi Sariyska (
Date: Sat Aug 14 1999 - 18:06:01 MDT

Keith Eric Grant wrote:
> I have made some minor changes to WHIST.F that appear to get around this
> problem, although I haven't examined the output files produced thoroughly. A
> coworker running CCM3 on the DEC Alphas believes that this change may have
> also removed what he believes is data corruption in an auxiliary data file.
> I'd appreciate hearing back if this solves your problem.
> Thanks.
> ...Keith Grant
> --
> +-----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+
> I Keith Eric Grant I Common sense and a sense of humor are the I
> I I same thing, moving at different speeds. I
> I Atmospheric Science Div I A sense of humor is just common sense, I
> I P.O. Box 808, L-103 I dancing. ... Clive James I
> I Lawrence Livrmr Natn'l Lab I I
> I EMail: I (or perhaps dancing is just common sense) I
> I FAX: (925) 422-5844 I I
> +-----------------------------+-------------------------------------------+

Hi Keith,

The modified wshist.F solved the problem and now the program can write
auxiliary data. Thank you.

Meanwhile another problem have appeared. When the model is run with the
default values of the MPI environment variables the program exits
abnormally with an error message to increase the value of
MPI_REQUEST_MAX (its default value is 1024). Just for test purposes I
set MPI_REQUEST_MAX to 100000, but the program exits again abnormally
with the message:

|> Insufficient request entries.
|> Please use MPI_REQUEST_MAX to increase your allocation.
|> The current value of MPI_REQUEST_MAX is 16384.

I have small experience with ORIGIN2000/IRIX6.5 environment and I have
no idea what is the reasonable value for MPI_REQUEST_MAX and how to
increase the current limit of 16384. Is it possible that the model posts
16384 nonblocking messages without having them freed?

I will highly appreciate your opinion.
All the best,

Didi Sariyska
Department of Earth System Science
University of California
Irvine, CA 92697-3100

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