ccm3 email-list archive and horizontal energy transport

Subject: ccm3 email-list archive and horizontal energy transport
From: feiliu (
Date: Tue Aug 24 1999 - 11:09:10 MDT


        I have a problem with CCM3 calculation of horizontal energy
transportation, namely, the kinatic and internal energy transport. Is there
anyone who knows how to calculate them. I read the paper [Kiehl, "Energy Budget
of the NCAR community climate model: CCM3, June 1998, J. Climate] but the
calculation of horizontal energy transportation is not there. I also checked the
technical documentation about ccm3 but I have not got a clue from that either. I
would really appreciate it if someone can teach me how to do it.
        I also want to point out that the new ccm3 email-list is really nice.
Although it has a bug that all the links to email message is mistakenly shifted
by one.

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