Auxiliary History Files on T3E

Subject: Auxiliary History Files on T3E
From: William A. Hoffmann (
Date: Sat Sep 18 1999 - 05:00:42 MDT

        I would like to know is anyone has been successful in generating CCM3
auxiliary output files for the Cray T3E. When I attempt to have auxiliary
files output, I get am error message:
PVM error [PE 0]: End of buffer
funpack:: End of buffer
SIGNAL: Terminated ( from process 13424 )

 Beginning of Traceback (PE 0):
  Interrupt at address 0x800109c30 in routine 'kill'.
  Called from line 261 (address 0x8001c2800) in routine 'pvm_halt'.
  Called from line 30 (address 0x8001ebc90) in routine 'PVMFHALT'

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thank you,

Bill Hoffmann

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