Re: How to Run CCM3 on Linux PC

Subject: Re: How to Run CCM3 on Linux PC
From: Jim Rosinski (
Date: Thu Oct 07 1999 - 16:18:40 MDT

On Tue, 5 Oct 1999, Liu, Jiwen wrote:

> I am trying to run CCM3.6.6 on an Alpha pc with Linux operating system. I
> have two questions:
> 1. How to set the CPU type? Since only 3 types are supported and alpha
> architecture is not included.

You'll have to modify the script and Makefile accordingly. I don't use
the default scripts when I build the model, but in my Makefile when I run
on a Linux PC I have:

ifeq ($(UNAMES),Linux)
CFLAGS := $(cpp_path)
FC := pgf90
FFLAGS := $(cpp_path) -mp -r8 -i4 -fast -Msecond_underscore -byteswapio -Mrecursive -Mdalign
LDFLAGS := -mp -L$(LIB_NETCDF) -lnetcdf
.SUFFIXES: .F .c .o
        $(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $<

        cc -c $(CFLAGS) $<

> 2. I have only GNU fortran compiler g77(f77) instead of pgf77. Can i use
> g77 compiler to compile this code?

The short answer is: "Only with great difficulty". The main problem is that
you need a Fortran compiler that supports auto-promotion of real variables to
a size of 8 bytes. g77 does not provide such a flag. Compilers from
Portland Group do. I'd recommend buying their f90 compiler as the next
release of CCM will require an f90 compiler (its something like $100 more to
get pgf90 in addition to pgf77). For CCM, you don't need to bother with
their C compiler--gcc works fine.

Jim Rosinski
CCM Core Group

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