problem of building ccm3.6.6 on dec alpha.

Subject: problem of building ccm3.6.6 on dec alpha.
From: Wei Cheng (
Date: Thu Oct 14 1999 - 21:35:50 MDT


To port ccm3.6.6 to a dec alpha, I followed the message posted
by Karen Shell on July 29, 1999 to this mailing list
('How to run ccm3 on a Dec alpha'). Yet, I met with a
problem when building the executable:

fort: Fatal: A memory access violation (bus error or segmentation fault)
has occurred. Please submit a problem report.
gmake: *** [q1q2.o] Error 1
gmake: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

Any suggestion about how to solve this problem? Thanks!


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