Re: modifying initial PHIS data set

Subject: Re: modifying initial PHIS data set
From: Erik Kluzek (
Date: Wed Nov 17 1999 - 09:16:45 MST

On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Christopher Poulsen wrote:

> I would like to modify the initial CCM3 PHIS data set. It appears from
> examining the SEP1 PHIS that it is spectrally transformed. My question is
> whether this spectral transformation is necessary in the creation of a
> new PHIS data set or whether raw PHIS values will work as an initial
> condition.

Good question Christopher. CCM3.6.6 has been setup so that the initial dataset
can flag whether PHIS needs to be spectrally transformed or not. This is so
that the "interpic" and "definesurf" tools can be used to interpolate to
different resolutions. If you look at the file "ccm/tools/definesurf/README"
you will see the following...

"Also, a spectral filter will be applied to the PHIS field within the CCM at model
startup if PHIS was defined from the high resolution topography dataset. The
model determines this by checking for the presence of netcdf attribute
"from_hires" on initial dataset variable PHIS."

So, if you add the attribute "from_hires" to your initial dataset you will not
have to perform the spectral transformation, it will be done within the model.

Erik Kluzek, (CGD at NCAR)
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Boulder CO, (off) (303)497-1326 (fax) (303)497-1324

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