Re: restart and init files running on IBM SP2

Subject: Re: restart and init files running on IBM SP2
From: Keith Eric Grant (
Date: Mon Feb 14 2000 - 22:29:52 MST

John Chiang wrote:
> I'm testing CCM3 on the IBM SP2 (RS6000), and up to 8 processors so
> far. I've encountered a problem when running cases with monthly mean
> output. After writing out the first monthly mean file and the land
> restart and init files successfully, it fails to write out the
> atmosphere restart and initialization files (the ones starting with
> the headers ccmr_ and ccmi_ respectively), and the run fails to
> proceed further. I've checked for disk space, and that was not the
> problem.
> I'm wondering if any of you encountered this too, and what you did to
> correct. When I switch off writing the init and restart files
> (i.e. setting nrefrq = 0 and inithist = 'NONE') the problem goes away,
> and the model runs to completion.


Rather than repost something yet again that I've already posted twice about,
please look in the mailing list archives at for a message
I posted Aug 12, 1999 under the title Re: creating output files on an
ORIGIN2000. The problem is not specific to an SP2 (although that's where I
first encountered it) but comes about using MPI with auxiliary files.

...Keith Grant

 I Keith Eric Grant            I Common sense and a sense of humor are the I
 I                             I same thing, moving at different speeds.   I
 I Atmospheric Science Div     I A sense of humor is just common sense,    I
 I P.O. Box 808, L-103         I dancing.   ... Clive James                I
 I Lawrence Livrmr Natn'l Lab  I                                           I
 I EMail:         I (or perhaps dancing is just common sense) I
 I FAX:   (925) 422-5844       I                                           I

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