Re: How to convert NCEP data from GRIB to NetCDF format for input

Subject: Re: How to convert NCEP data from GRIB to NetCDF format for input
From: Brian Eaton (
Date: Thu Mar 02 2000 - 19:54:32 MST

On Thu, 2 Mar 2000, Wang Yafei wrote:

> I found that there are NCEP reanalysis data (such like T, U,V Z...) in grib
> form in a web site. But CCM3 needs the initial data in NETCDF form. If I
> want to simulate monsoon situation in 1998, I must create new input data
> sets. Must I change the grib form into Netcdf form? How do people making
> CCM3 input data usually do? My English is not good. I don't know if I
> express it clearly. Thank you.
> Wang Yafei

A possible tool to use for this is NCL (the scripting language that sits on
top of the NCAR graphics library). There are sample scripts for doing NCEP
GRIB to netCDF data conversions at See examples 8
through 10.

Brian Eaton | email:
Climate Modeling Section |
National Center for Atmospheric Research |
P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307 |

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