TS(TS1) and arbitrary initialization of LSM

Subject: TS(TS1) and arbitrary initialization of LSM
From: Xuguang Wang (xuguang@essc.psu.edu)
Date: Fri Mar 03 2000 - 14:32:33 MST


I initialize TS1 by using the surface temperature from avn reanalysis.
And at the same time, I use "arbitrary initialization" to initialize the LSM.

When I output TS1 in h0001 file, I find that it is different from what I
have initialized. In other words, it seems that the model changes the TS1
data with which I feed it.

Did you run into the same problem before? Is it because the arbitrarily
initialized LSM will calculate the surface temperature without considering
the input TS1?

Thanks a lot for your help!
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        WE ARE....PENN STATE!

Xuguang Wang
Penn State University
Meteorology Department
503 Walker Building
University Park, PA, 16802
Tel(o): 814-863-1036

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